
(İngilizce - Latince)

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#to track down - #steal - #pit - #unlucky - #immatate - #broken off - #senescal - #a rival - #patience - #criminal - #work one's way in - #to less - #holy mass - #assume - #flock together - #deep sleep - #diadem - #oaken - #example - #candidly - #what? - #to turn out - #to go - #economically - #to rise up - #to strangle - #native - #a widening - #a citizen of the lowest rank - #society - #replace - #chalk - #to possess - #whichever of the two - #in a confused way - #become acquainted with - #veneration - #to fall into - #flame - #be reduced to - #proper - #to terrify - #to be reduced to - #shears - #a speech - #incite - #assault / efforts - #in the way / (in dat.) open - #eunuch - #disquiet - #to enjoy - #the very greatest - #former - #fountain - #cut up - #betray - #solemn - #Prums - #canal /pipe - #manager - #that /he - #saint - #namely - #perish - #with feathers - #otherwise than - #stammer /speak obscurely - #bench - #hostage - #exussum - #to write out - #cease /linger - #penetratingly - #to hang to - #unhealed - #learn - #morals - #opportunely - #mazzle - #rhetorical - #calumny - #the people - #dissolve - #to lie hidden - #plunder - #inequitable - #annihilate - #author - #refine - #without bounds - #furnace/ tray for bread making - #agreeably - #diffuse - #card - #solicitude - #payment - #to continue - #some /pl. several - #good fortune - #to be - #to rain - #beggar - #great−grandson - #conscious of - #stong - #courtyard - #founder - #palpitate - #calmly - #from that place - #celebrated - #to laugh at - #drenched - #to press upon - #conduct (oneself) - #artisan - #to drive before one - #postpone / to differ - #thrust away - #enlarge - #image - #conceal - #comfort - #debt - #widely - #precaution - #contagion - #befall - #zone - #boiling - #rpotact - #buttocks - #twitch /criticize - #household - #a crystal - #impede - #put on - #garret - #coinside - #respite - #envoy - #data - #striking - #restrain - #hear plainly - #advertise /betray - #contented - #to puff up - #suck in - #rotundity -