İngilizce (Fonetik)
Aşağıda fonetik simgeler ve İngilizce'deki okunuşları hakkında uzunca bir liste mevcut. Her simgenin yanında parantez içerisinde Türkçe'de nasıl telaffuz edildikleri şeklinde kısa bilgiler de mevcut. Alt kısımlarında ise örnek kelimeler ve onların altında da Türkçe okunuşları var. Türkçe okunuşlarda büyük harfle yazılı kısımlar vurgunun olduğu hecelerdir. Simgelerin ve harflerin yanlarındaki ":" işareti ise, o simge ya da harfin uzun telaffuz edileceği anlamına gelmektedir.
come, run, comfort, company, enough, blood, funny, monkey, stomach, result
/kam/, /ran/, KAM-fıt/, /KAM-pıni/, /i-NAF/, /blad/, /FA-ni/, /MAN-ki/, /STA-mık/, /ri-ZALT/
ɑ: (Türkçe’de “ağaç” kelimesindeki ilk “a” harfinin okunuşu gibi)
task, dark, jar, charm, guard, father, rather
/ta:sk/, /da:k/, /ca:/, /ça:m/, /ga:d/, /FA:-dzı/, /RA:-dzı/
æ (Türkçe’de “dert” kelimesindeki “e”nin okunuşu gibi)
bad, cat, gas, chat, lamb, lamp, fat, thank, exact
/bæd/, /cæt/, /gæs/, /çæt/, /lam/, /læmp/, /fæt/, /tsænk/, /ig-ZÆKT/
e, ɛ (Türkçe’de “kedi” kelimesindeki “e”nin okunuşu gibi)
bed, red, get, text, deaf, kept, then, very, seven
/bed/, /red/, /get/, /tekst/, /def/, /kept/, /dzen/, /VE-ri/, /SE-vn/
sit, pit, fit, city, king, rich, symbol, become
/sit/, /pit/, /fit/, /Sİ-ti/, /kinG/, /riç/, /SİM-bıl/, /bi-KAM/
i: (Türkçe’de “ani” kelimesindeki “i”nin okunuşu gibi)
see, sea, tree, people
/si:/, /si:/, tri:/, /Pİ:-pl/
ɔ (Türkçe’de “dal” kelimesindeki “a”nın okunuşu gibi)
hot, dog, not, want, cough, solid, Austria, foreign, involve
/hɔ t/, /dɔg/, /nɔt/, /wɔnt/, /kɔf/, /Sɔlid/, /ɔS-triı/, /Fɔrın/, /in-VɔLV/
ɔ: (Türkçe’de karşılığını bulamadım “o” uzun okunacak)
law, saw, form, short, bought, thought, caught, fault, water, author, appal
/lɔ:/, /sɔ:/, /fɔ:m/, /şɔ:t/, /bɔ:t/, /θɔ:t/, /kɔ:t/, /fɔ:lt/, /Wɔ:-tı/, /ɔ:-θı/, /ı-Pɔ:L/
ʊ (Türkçe’de “uğur” kelimesindeki ikinci “u”nun okunuşu gibi)
could, would, should, would, push
/kud/, /wud/, /şud/, /wud/, /puş/
u: (Türkçe’de “uğur” kelimesindeki ilk “u”nun okunuşu gibi)
soon, pool, boot, cool, goose, June, tomb, through, music, presume
/su:n/, /pu:l/, /bu:t/, /ku:l/, /gu:s/, /cu:n/, tu:m/, /θru:/, /MYU:/zik/, /pri-ZYU:M/
ɜ: (Türkçe’de “ö” harfinin okunuşu gibi)
her, earn, bird, turn, church, germ, nurse, thirst, journey, journal, amateur
/hö:/, /ö:n/, /bö:D/, /tö:n/, /çö:ç/, cö:m/, nö:s/, /θö:st/, CÖ:-ni/, /CÖ:-nıl/, /Æ-mı-TÇÖ:/
ə (Türkçe’de “kır” kelimesindeki “ı”nın okunuşu gibi)
about, along, attempt, salad, breakfast, effort, picture, company, companion
/ı-BAUT/, /ı-L@NG/, /ı-TEMPT/, /SÆ-lıd/, /BREYK-fıst/, /E-fıt/, /PİK-çı/, /KAM-pıni/, /kım-PÆN-yın/
pen, tip, public, upper, pepper, capable, power, sport
/pen/, /tip/, /PAB-lik/, /A-pı/, /PE-pı/, /KEY-pıbl/, /PAU-ı/, /sp@:t/
bed, bad, web, bee, bubble, October
/bed/, /bæd/, /web/, /bi:/, /BA-bl/, /@K-TOU-bı/
two, bet, letter, quantity, Atkinson, tomato, potato
/tu:/, /bet/, /LE-tı/, /KW@N-titi/, /ÆT-kinsın/, /tı-MA:-TOU/, /pı-TEY-TOU
good, did, odd, admire, bed-time, garden, width, chased, begged, downtown, middle
/gu:d/, /did/, /@d/, /ıd-MAYR/, /BED-TAYM/, /GA:-dn/, /widθ/, /çeyzd/, /begd/, /DAUN-TAUN/, /midl/
tʃ (Türkçe’de “ç” harfinin okunuşu gibi)
chair, choose, chalk, church, nature, furniture, bitch, question, lecture, orchard, enchant
/çeı/, /çu:z/, /ç@:k/, /çö:ç/, /NEY-çı/, /FÖ:-niçı/, /biç/, /KWES-çın/, /LEK-çı/, /@:-çıd/, /in-ÇA:NT/
dʒ (Türkçe’de “j” harfinin okunuşu gibi)
gin, Jean, joy, edge, gem, James, George, pigeon, religion, gymnastic, Greenwich, Norwich, sandwich
/cin/, /ci:n/, /joi/, /ec/, /cem/, /ceymz/, /c@:c/, /Pİ-cin/, /ri-Lİ-cın/, /cim-NÆS-tik/, /GRİ-nic/, /N@-ric/, /SÆN-wic/
come, came, cat, kill, queen, thick, conquer, character, chemist, Christmas
/kam/, /keym/, /kæt/, /kil/, /kwi:n/, /KW@-tı/, /θik/, /K@N-kı/, /KÆ-rıktı/, /KE-mist/, /KRİS-mıs/
go, get, beg, big, egg, gas, guard, gown, tiger, sugar, dogmatic
/gou/, /get/, /beg/, /big/, /eg/, /gæs/, /ga:d/, /gaun/, /TAY-gı/, /ŞU-gı/, /D@G-MÆ-tik/
fit, fat, fence, foot, food, safe, loaf, half, tough, enough, philosophy, lieutenant
/fit/, /fæt/, /fens/, /fut/, fu:d/, /seyf/, /louf/, /ha:f/, /taf/, /i-NAF/, /fi-L@-sıfi/, /lef-TE-nınt/
vest, vast, vicar, vase, voice, vulgar, volume, very, have, give, wives, wave
/vest/, /va:st/, /Vİ-kı/, /va:z/, /v@is/, /VAL-gı/, /V@L-yum/, /VE-ri/, /hæv/, /giv/, /wayvz/, /weyv/
thin, thing, theme, theft, thank, think, thought, thumb, smith, bath, method, author, sympathy
/tsin/, /tsing/, /tsi:m/, /tseft/, /tsænk/, /tsink/, /ts@:t/, /tsam/, /smits/, /ba:ts/, /ME-tsıd/, /@:-tsı/, /SİM-pıtsi/
this, these, then, that, father, rather, gather, worthy, hither and thither
/dzis/, /dzi:z/, /dzen/, /dzæt/, /FA:-dzı/, /RA:-dzı/, /GÆ-dzı/, /WÖ:-dzi/, /Hİ-dzıın-DZİ-dzı/
see, city, less, psalm, serious, gross, places, ceases, exercises, paradise, precise
/si:/, /Sİ-ti/, /les/, /sa:lm/, /Sİ:-ıriıs/, /grous/, /PLEY-siz/, /Sİ:-siz/, /EK-sı-SAY-ziz/, /PÆ-rı-DAYS/, /pri-SAYS/
zoo, zones, easy, raizor, his, hers, trees, dogs, ideas, raise, rose, scissors, reserves, diseases
/zu:/, /zounz/, /İ:-zi/, /REY-zı/, /hiz/, /hö:z/, /tri:z/, /d@gz/, /reyz/, /rouz/, /Sİ-zız/, /ri-ZÖ:VZ/, /di-Zİ:-ziz/
ʃ (Türkçe’de “ş” harfinin okunuşu gibi)
she, shout, shoe, sure, sugar, wish, leash, marsh, emotion, ocean, precious, partial, assure, machine
/şi:/, /şaut/, /şu:/, /şuı/, /ŞU-gı/, /wiş/, /li:ş/, /ma:ş/, /i-MOU-şn/, /OU-şn/, /PRE-şıs/, /PA:-şl/, /ı-ŞUI/, /mı-Şİ:N/
ʒ (Türkçe’de “viraj” kelimesindeki “j”nin okunuşu gibi)
seizure, pleasure, treasure, leisure, enclosure, composure, prestige, massage, espionage, beige
/Sİ:-jı/, /PLE-jı/, /TRE-jı/, /LE-jı/, /in-KLOU-jı/, /kım-POU-jı/, /PRES-Tİ:J/, /MÆ-SA:J/, /ES-piı-NA:J/, /beyj/
hat, hit, heat, hook, hold, here, hard, behind, behave, inhabit, dishearten, childhood
/hæt/, /hit/, /hi:t/, /huk/, /hould/, /hiı/, /ha:d/, /bi-HAYND/, /bi-HEYV/, /in-HÆ-bit/, /dis-HA:-tn/, /ÇAYLD-HUD/
make, man, ham, information, mnemonic
/meyk/, /mæn/, hæm/, /İN-fı-MEY-şn/, /ni:-M@-nik/
no, tin, soon, pond, own, done, ignorance, enrol, enthusiasm
/nou/, /tin/, su:n/, /p@nd/, /oun/, /dan/, /İG-nırıns/, /in-ROUL/, /in-TSU:-ziæzm/
ŋ (Türkçe’de “dingil” kelimesindeki “ng” harflerinin okunuşu gibi)
young, ring, long, king, finger, singer, younger, anchor, handkerchief
/yang/, /ring/, l@ng/, /king/, /FİNG-ı/, /SİNG-ı/, /YANG-ı/, /ÆNG-kı/, /HÆNG-kı-Çİ:F/
l (Türkçe’de “delik” kelimesindeki “l”nin okunuşu gibi)
"clear": leave, lake, look, large, along, million... "dark": feel, field, people, bell, table, noble, milk, health
/li:v/, /leyk/, /luk/, /la:rc/, /ı-L@NG/, /MİL-yın/... /fi:l/, /fi:ld/, /Pİ:-pl/, /bel/, /TEY-bl/, /NOU-bl/, /milk/, /helts/
red, rash, reason, very, wrong, write, arrange, prove, crowd, rarer, recruit, retrograde
/red/, /ræş/, /Rİ:-zn/, /VE-ri/, /r@ng/, /rayt/, /ı-REYNC/, /pru:v/, /kraud/, /RÆ-rı/, /ri-KRU:T/, /RET-rou-GREYD/
we, wet, wag, warm, wool, wife, word, wear, weird, away, waiver, what, which, when
/wi:/, /wet/, /væg/, /w@:m/, /wul/, /wayf/, /wö:D/, /weı/, /wiıd/, /ı-WEY/, /WEY-vı/, /wh@t/, /whiç/, /when/
j (Türkçe’de “y”)
yes, yard, yatch, beyond, million, value, beauty, huge, human, queue, music, new, onion, familiar, simultaneous
/yes/, /ya:d/, /y@t/, /bi-Y@ND/ , /MİL-yın/, /VÆL-yu/, /bi-YU-ti/, /hyuc/, /HYU:-mın/, /kyu:/, /MYU:-zik/, /nyu:/, /@N-yın/, /fı-MİL-yı/, /simıl-TEYN-yıs/
day, pay, game, daisy, table, scale, break, change, James, neighbour, railway, player
/dey/, /pey/, /geym/, /DEY-zi/, /TEY-bl/, /skeyl/, /breyk/, çeync/, /ceymz/, /NEY-bı/, /REYL-WEY/, /PLEY-ı/
aɪ (Türkçe’de “ay” kelimesinin okunuşu gibi)
my, fly, time, find, child, tried, cries, height, buy, eye, choir, aisle, quite, vine, resign
/may/, /flay/, /taym/, /faynd/, /çayld/, /tçrayd/, /krayz/, /hayt/, /bay/, /ay/, /kwayr/, /ayl/, /kwayt/, /vayn/, ri-ZAYN/
ɔɪ (Türkçe’de “toy” kelimesindeki “oy”un okunuşu gibi)
boy, toy, oil, noise, employer, royal, voice, choice, soil
/boy/, /toy/, /oyl/, /noyz/, im-PLOY-ı/, /ROY-ıl/, /voys/, /çoys/, /soyl/
əʊ (Türkçe’de “ou” ile “ov” karışımı bir şekilde taleffuz edilir)
no, know, don't, only, home, toast, vote, hope, motion, Joseph
/NOU/, /nou/, /dount/, /OUN-li/, /houm/, /toust/, /vout/, /houp/, /MOU-şın/, /COU-zif/
aʊ (Türkçe’de “pilav” kelimesindeki “av”ın okunuşu gibi)
out, loud, house, now, vow, cow, town, flower, thousand, allowable, coward
/aut/, /laud/, /haus/, nau/, /vau/, /kau/, /taun/, /FLAU-ı/, /THAU-znd/, /ı-LAU-ıbl/, /KAU-ıd/
ɪə (Türkçe’de “iı” şeklinde telaffuz edilir)
ear, near, here, hear, dear, deer, beer, beard, weird, weary, idea, career, theatre
/iı/, /niı/, /hiı/, /hiı/, /diı/, /diı/, /biı/, /biıd/, /wiıd/, /WİI-ri/, /ay-DİI/, /kı-RİI/, /THİI-tı/
eə (Türkçe’de “eğer” kelimesindeki ikinci “e”nin okunuşu gibi)
air, hair, pair, care, chair, share, wear, there, vary, Sarah
/eı/, /heı/, /peı/, /keı/, /çeı/, /şeı/, weı/, /dzeı/, /VEI-ri/, /SEI-rı/
ʊə (Türkçe’de “aşure” kelimesindeki “u”nun okunuşu gibi)
sure, surely, poor, poorer, tour, cure, cured
/şuı/, /ŞUI-li/, /puı/, /PUI-rı/, /tuı/, /kyuı/, /kyuıd/
English Vowels / Ünlüler
ʌcome, run, comfort, company, enough, blood, funny, monkey, stomach, result
/kam/, /ran/, KAM-fıt/, /KAM-pıni/, /i-NAF/, /blad/, /FA-ni/, /MAN-ki/, /STA-mık/, /ri-ZALT/
ɑ: (Türkçe’de “ağaç” kelimesindeki ilk “a” harfinin okunuşu gibi)
task, dark, jar, charm, guard, father, rather
/ta:sk/, /da:k/, /ca:/, /ça:m/, /ga:d/, /FA:-dzı/, /RA:-dzı/
æ (Türkçe’de “dert” kelimesindeki “e”nin okunuşu gibi)
bad, cat, gas, chat, lamb, lamp, fat, thank, exact
/bæd/, /cæt/, /gæs/, /çæt/, /lam/, /læmp/, /fæt/, /tsænk/, /ig-ZÆKT/
e, ɛ (Türkçe’de “kedi” kelimesindeki “e”nin okunuşu gibi)
bed, red, get, text, deaf, kept, then, very, seven
/bed/, /red/, /get/, /tekst/, /def/, /kept/, /dzen/, /VE-ri/, /SE-vn/
sit, pit, fit, city, king, rich, symbol, become
/sit/, /pit/, /fit/, /Sİ-ti/, /kinG/, /riç/, /SİM-bıl/, /bi-KAM/
i: (Türkçe’de “ani” kelimesindeki “i”nin okunuşu gibi)
see, sea, tree, people
/si:/, /si:/, tri:/, /Pİ:-pl/
ɔ (Türkçe’de “dal” kelimesindeki “a”nın okunuşu gibi)
hot, dog, not, want, cough, solid, Austria, foreign, involve
/hɔ t/, /dɔg/, /nɔt/, /wɔnt/, /kɔf/, /Sɔlid/, /ɔS-triı/, /Fɔrın/, /in-VɔLV/
ɔ: (Türkçe’de karşılığını bulamadım “o” uzun okunacak)
law, saw, form, short, bought, thought, caught, fault, water, author, appal
/lɔ:/, /sɔ:/, /fɔ:m/, /şɔ:t/, /bɔ:t/, /θɔ:t/, /kɔ:t/, /fɔ:lt/, /Wɔ:-tı/, /ɔ:-θı/, /ı-Pɔ:L/
ʊ (Türkçe’de “uğur” kelimesindeki ikinci “u”nun okunuşu gibi)
could, would, should, would, push
/kud/, /wud/, /şud/, /wud/, /puş/
u: (Türkçe’de “uğur” kelimesindeki ilk “u”nun okunuşu gibi)
soon, pool, boot, cool, goose, June, tomb, through, music, presume
/su:n/, /pu:l/, /bu:t/, /ku:l/, /gu:s/, /cu:n/, tu:m/, /θru:/, /MYU:/zik/, /pri-ZYU:M/
ɜ: (Türkçe’de “ö” harfinin okunuşu gibi)
her, earn, bird, turn, church, germ, nurse, thirst, journey, journal, amateur
/hö:/, /ö:n/, /bö:D/, /tö:n/, /çö:ç/, cö:m/, nö:s/, /θö:st/, CÖ:-ni/, /CÖ:-nıl/, /Æ-mı-TÇÖ:/
ə (Türkçe’de “kır” kelimesindeki “ı”nın okunuşu gibi)
about, along, attempt, salad, breakfast, effort, picture, company, companion
/ı-BAUT/, /ı-L@NG/, /ı-TEMPT/, /SÆ-lıd/, /BREYK-fıst/, /E-fıt/, /PİK-çı/, /KAM-pıni/, /kım-PÆN-yın/
English Consonants / Ünsüzler
ppen, tip, public, upper, pepper, capable, power, sport
/pen/, /tip/, /PAB-lik/, /A-pı/, /PE-pı/, /KEY-pıbl/, /PAU-ı/, /sp@:t/
bed, bad, web, bee, bubble, October
/bed/, /bæd/, /web/, /bi:/, /BA-bl/, /@K-TOU-bı/
two, bet, letter, quantity, Atkinson, tomato, potato
/tu:/, /bet/, /LE-tı/, /KW@N-titi/, /ÆT-kinsın/, /tı-MA:-TOU/, /pı-TEY-TOU
good, did, odd, admire, bed-time, garden, width, chased, begged, downtown, middle
/gu:d/, /did/, /@d/, /ıd-MAYR/, /BED-TAYM/, /GA:-dn/, /widθ/, /çeyzd/, /begd/, /DAUN-TAUN/, /midl/
tʃ (Türkçe’de “ç” harfinin okunuşu gibi)
chair, choose, chalk, church, nature, furniture, bitch, question, lecture, orchard, enchant
/çeı/, /çu:z/, /ç@:k/, /çö:ç/, /NEY-çı/, /FÖ:-niçı/, /biç/, /KWES-çın/, /LEK-çı/, /@:-çıd/, /in-ÇA:NT/
dʒ (Türkçe’de “j” harfinin okunuşu gibi)
gin, Jean, joy, edge, gem, James, George, pigeon, religion, gymnastic, Greenwich, Norwich, sandwich
/cin/, /ci:n/, /joi/, /ec/, /cem/, /ceymz/, /c@:c/, /Pİ-cin/, /ri-Lİ-cın/, /cim-NÆS-tik/, /GRİ-nic/, /N@-ric/, /SÆN-wic/
come, came, cat, kill, queen, thick, conquer, character, chemist, Christmas
/kam/, /keym/, /kæt/, /kil/, /kwi:n/, /KW@-tı/, /θik/, /K@N-kı/, /KÆ-rıktı/, /KE-mist/, /KRİS-mıs/
go, get, beg, big, egg, gas, guard, gown, tiger, sugar, dogmatic
/gou/, /get/, /beg/, /big/, /eg/, /gæs/, /ga:d/, /gaun/, /TAY-gı/, /ŞU-gı/, /D@G-MÆ-tik/
fit, fat, fence, foot, food, safe, loaf, half, tough, enough, philosophy, lieutenant
/fit/, /fæt/, /fens/, /fut/, fu:d/, /seyf/, /louf/, /ha:f/, /taf/, /i-NAF/, /fi-L@-sıfi/, /lef-TE-nınt/
vest, vast, vicar, vase, voice, vulgar, volume, very, have, give, wives, wave
/vest/, /va:st/, /Vİ-kı/, /va:z/, /v@is/, /VAL-gı/, /V@L-yum/, /VE-ri/, /hæv/, /giv/, /wayvz/, /weyv/
thin, thing, theme, theft, thank, think, thought, thumb, smith, bath, method, author, sympathy
/tsin/, /tsing/, /tsi:m/, /tseft/, /tsænk/, /tsink/, /ts@:t/, /tsam/, /smits/, /ba:ts/, /ME-tsıd/, /@:-tsı/, /SİM-pıtsi/
this, these, then, that, father, rather, gather, worthy, hither and thither
/dzis/, /dzi:z/, /dzen/, /dzæt/, /FA:-dzı/, /RA:-dzı/, /GÆ-dzı/, /WÖ:-dzi/, /Hİ-dzıın-DZİ-dzı/
see, city, less, psalm, serious, gross, places, ceases, exercises, paradise, precise
/si:/, /Sİ-ti/, /les/, /sa:lm/, /Sİ:-ıriıs/, /grous/, /PLEY-siz/, /Sİ:-siz/, /EK-sı-SAY-ziz/, /PÆ-rı-DAYS/, /pri-SAYS/
zoo, zones, easy, raizor, his, hers, trees, dogs, ideas, raise, rose, scissors, reserves, diseases
/zu:/, /zounz/, /İ:-zi/, /REY-zı/, /hiz/, /hö:z/, /tri:z/, /d@gz/, /reyz/, /rouz/, /Sİ-zız/, /ri-ZÖ:VZ/, /di-Zİ:-ziz/
ʃ (Türkçe’de “ş” harfinin okunuşu gibi)
she, shout, shoe, sure, sugar, wish, leash, marsh, emotion, ocean, precious, partial, assure, machine
/şi:/, /şaut/, /şu:/, /şuı/, /ŞU-gı/, /wiş/, /li:ş/, /ma:ş/, /i-MOU-şn/, /OU-şn/, /PRE-şıs/, /PA:-şl/, /ı-ŞUI/, /mı-Şİ:N/
ʒ (Türkçe’de “viraj” kelimesindeki “j”nin okunuşu gibi)
seizure, pleasure, treasure, leisure, enclosure, composure, prestige, massage, espionage, beige
/Sİ:-jı/, /PLE-jı/, /TRE-jı/, /LE-jı/, /in-KLOU-jı/, /kım-POU-jı/, /PRES-Tİ:J/, /MÆ-SA:J/, /ES-piı-NA:J/, /beyj/
hat, hit, heat, hook, hold, here, hard, behind, behave, inhabit, dishearten, childhood
/hæt/, /hit/, /hi:t/, /huk/, /hould/, /hiı/, /ha:d/, /bi-HAYND/, /bi-HEYV/, /in-HÆ-bit/, /dis-HA:-tn/, /ÇAYLD-HUD/
make, man, ham, information, mnemonic
/meyk/, /mæn/, hæm/, /İN-fı-MEY-şn/, /ni:-M@-nik/
no, tin, soon, pond, own, done, ignorance, enrol, enthusiasm
/nou/, /tin/, su:n/, /p@nd/, /oun/, /dan/, /İG-nırıns/, /in-ROUL/, /in-TSU:-ziæzm/
ŋ (Türkçe’de “dingil” kelimesindeki “ng” harflerinin okunuşu gibi)
young, ring, long, king, finger, singer, younger, anchor, handkerchief
/yang/, /ring/, l@ng/, /king/, /FİNG-ı/, /SİNG-ı/, /YANG-ı/, /ÆNG-kı/, /HÆNG-kı-Çİ:F/
l (Türkçe’de “delik” kelimesindeki “l”nin okunuşu gibi)
"clear": leave, lake, look, large, along, million... "dark": feel, field, people, bell, table, noble, milk, health
/li:v/, /leyk/, /luk/, /la:rc/, /ı-L@NG/, /MİL-yın/... /fi:l/, /fi:ld/, /Pİ:-pl/, /bel/, /TEY-bl/, /NOU-bl/, /milk/, /helts/
red, rash, reason, very, wrong, write, arrange, prove, crowd, rarer, recruit, retrograde
/red/, /ræş/, /Rİ:-zn/, /VE-ri/, /r@ng/, /rayt/, /ı-REYNC/, /pru:v/, /kraud/, /RÆ-rı/, /ri-KRU:T/, /RET-rou-GREYD/
we, wet, wag, warm, wool, wife, word, wear, weird, away, waiver, what, which, when
/wi:/, /wet/, /væg/, /w@:m/, /wul/, /wayf/, /wö:D/, /weı/, /wiıd/, /ı-WEY/, /WEY-vı/, /wh@t/, /whiç/, /when/
j (Türkçe’de “y”)
yes, yard, yatch, beyond, million, value, beauty, huge, human, queue, music, new, onion, familiar, simultaneous
/yes/, /ya:d/, /y@t/, /bi-Y@ND/ , /MİL-yın/, /VÆL-yu/, /bi-YU-ti/, /hyuc/, /HYU:-mın/, /kyu:/, /MYU:-zik/, /nyu:/, /@N-yın/, /fı-MİL-yı/, /simıl-TEYN-yıs/
English Diphthongs / "Kayan" Seslikler
eɪ (Türkçe’de “ney” kelimesindeki “ey”in okunuşu gibi)day, pay, game, daisy, table, scale, break, change, James, neighbour, railway, player
/dey/, /pey/, /geym/, /DEY-zi/, /TEY-bl/, /skeyl/, /breyk/, çeync/, /ceymz/, /NEY-bı/, /REYL-WEY/, /PLEY-ı/
aɪ (Türkçe’de “ay” kelimesinin okunuşu gibi)
my, fly, time, find, child, tried, cries, height, buy, eye, choir, aisle, quite, vine, resign
/may/, /flay/, /taym/, /faynd/, /çayld/, /tçrayd/, /krayz/, /hayt/, /bay/, /ay/, /kwayr/, /ayl/, /kwayt/, /vayn/, ri-ZAYN/
ɔɪ (Türkçe’de “toy” kelimesindeki “oy”un okunuşu gibi)
boy, toy, oil, noise, employer, royal, voice, choice, soil
/boy/, /toy/, /oyl/, /noyz/, im-PLOY-ı/, /ROY-ıl/, /voys/, /çoys/, /soyl/
əʊ (Türkçe’de “ou” ile “ov” karışımı bir şekilde taleffuz edilir)
no, know, don't, only, home, toast, vote, hope, motion, Joseph
/NOU/, /nou/, /dount/, /OUN-li/, /houm/, /toust/, /vout/, /houp/, /MOU-şın/, /COU-zif/
aʊ (Türkçe’de “pilav” kelimesindeki “av”ın okunuşu gibi)
out, loud, house, now, vow, cow, town, flower, thousand, allowable, coward
/aut/, /laud/, /haus/, nau/, /vau/, /kau/, /taun/, /FLAU-ı/, /THAU-znd/, /ı-LAU-ıbl/, /KAU-ıd/
ɪə (Türkçe’de “iı” şeklinde telaffuz edilir)
ear, near, here, hear, dear, deer, beer, beard, weird, weary, idea, career, theatre
/iı/, /niı/, /hiı/, /hiı/, /diı/, /diı/, /biı/, /biıd/, /wiıd/, /WİI-ri/, /ay-DİI/, /kı-RİI/, /THİI-tı/
eə (Türkçe’de “eğer” kelimesindeki ikinci “e”nin okunuşu gibi)
air, hair, pair, care, chair, share, wear, there, vary, Sarah
/eı/, /heı/, /peı/, /keı/, /çeı/, /şeı/, weı/, /dzeı/, /VEI-ri/, /SEI-rı/
ʊə (Türkçe’de “aşure” kelimesindeki “u”nun okunuşu gibi)
sure, surely, poor, poorer, tour, cure, cured
/şuı/, /ŞUI-li/, /puı/, /PUI-rı/, /tuı/, /kyuı/, /kyuıd/