
(İngilizce - Latince)

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#hanging around /chair - #be for sale - #balsam tree /balsam gum - #wonderfuly - #a fork - #through and through - #befoul - #convenience - #elegance - #unchecked /(mil.) light−armed - #boil - #shape - #duke - #throw into disorder - #that is so - #erode - #pour out (like molten metal) - #suggest - #to conquer - #scatheless - #to miss - #thoughtlessly - #willing - #dispute - #bursting forth / sally - #tribe - #sweet - #much - #depress - #arrest - #to pull - #auburn - #in general - #aspect - #strait - #sum up - #very little/not at all - #the public eye - #exert oneself in - #formerely - #to go to see - #to stretch - #contemplation - #wish for greatly - #think - #boyishly - #to stink - #hooked - #to hollow out - #again and again - #become flexible - #lineage - #awning - #moat - #combined in one - #every - #the groin - #commit / trust in - #to carry in front - #recline / be ill in bed - #burst forth / (milit.) attack - #or upon - #variety - #want / seek to know / obtain - #to go forth - #to set (as in 'the sun sets') - #honesty - #nosiness - #vanity - #numb - #striving - #in present cirumstances - #bay tree / triumph - #drain - #St. Ouen - #impure - #hold in contempt - #consider of less account - #thiness - #sustain - #mantle - #flogged - #with few means - #past - #to slide forward - #by a lot - #to look at attentively - #treason - #plumed - #oppose - #comfort - #tough - #escape - #at the top - #forty winks - #life - #good fortune - #severity/ harshness - #to depart from - #the shoulder - #take violent action - #to uncover - #extra esto - #snowy - #be entitled to - #agreeable - #attractiveness - #profuse - #an attack - #to declaim - #slyly - #conj - #to set forth - #ways - #a hairband - #not less than / at most - #relying upon - #hereafter - #a greenish−yellow color - #zealous - #to attend - #disgrace by degeneracy - #declaim - #both - #trade - #gently - #to overwhelm - #to do thoroughly - #to fall down / fall dead - #bridle - #and yet ... not - #To go up and down - #of any kind whatever - #loathe - #agreement - #orbit - #hedgehog - #liquid / clear - #walk around - #nostril - #to repay - #board - #raid - #unbridled - #splendidly - #spring up - #standard /troop - #command /tell someone to do - #artisan - #negligently -