
(İngilizce - Latince)

Öğretici Cümleler*

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Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#fortune - #accomplish - #to appear - #spring / fresh water / source - #breed /pagan people - #thawed - #abase oneself - #scatheless - #dotage - #to be punished - #vice - #to pollute - #bar - #the face - #in many ways - #bog - #changeably - #word /(med.) power - #in present cirumstances - #attain - #homage - #possess /consider - #digress - #avoid. turn back - #charming - #affect - #lean - #meager - #up and down - #caress - #to complain loudly - #allied - #to become acquainted with - #make merry - #official - #information - #knocked about - #suspension of hostilities - #sweetness - #iron - #put forth - #senescal - #region - #fresh - #to delay - #purify - #flash - #the beards - #to crawl - #tiny - #bladder - #consequently - #embellish - #guess - #have compassion - #rich in - #might - #a cubit long - #fearful - #procedure - #revoke - #color - #lees - #go beyond - #to suppress - #class - #your - #dispense with - #fall off - #card - #thrash (to card wool) - #anthing that - #mark out - #passionate - #assault / efforts - #inventor - #abandoned - #replace - #life−restoring - #thus far - #to make losses good/ fulfil - #measure /need - #in front of - #commit - #under oath - #gorge - #discoverer - #previously - #without merit - #similar - #deceive - #basin - #exist - #consider secondary - #lie dead - #all the way - #very clever - #to come - #to demonstrate - #to fear - #untrue - #flutter - #boundless - #building - #follower - #make /duplicate - #to deceive - #a bullet - #to break in pieces - #guilt - #to join - #it is clear/ (adv.) clearly - #broken - #I say - #rpotact - #to grow in - #spot - #to soak - #grow weary - #relate - #real - #bashful - #provided with grain - #merit - #unknowing - #to shape - #to lay to a charge - #that which is woven - #become hot - #to exult - #chasm /the sea - #to happen - #thought - #sycophancy - #to work - #to take in hand - #on the contrary - #in what manner - #bloodbath - #to write out - #device - #destruction - #be sleek - #purple - #nature - #at the start - #just so - #sale /closing of a bargain - #take away / rescue - #abandon -