
(İngilizce - Latince)

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#demonstrate - #hostile - #accomplishment - #break in - #without reason - #rain storm - #that is right - #madness - #much - #stylus - #decree - #fortunately - #ungratefully - #temper - #to crawl - #to bewitch - #desire eagerly - #gossip - #the fact that - #ointment - #sut the hair - #leather - #consequently - #to such a degree - #of what kind - #invest - #a festival of mysteries - #ignoble - #credit - #arrange - #revenge - #secret society - #take refuge - #seven - #disk - #food for animals - #undiminished - #to sprinkle - #be different - #shank - #jutting out - #gentleness - #thrifty - #by request - #chestnut - #fellowship - #sleep - #alms - #understand/ upset - #make publicly known - #past tense of eo - #southern - #to take for oneself - #captivity - #yield - #in a kindly - #it is clear/ (adv.) clearly - #to lie down - #procurer - #happiness - #supply - #one's native country - #cut off / arrange - #hour - #puncture - #back and forth - #approve - #reconcile - #hard−working - #precipately / imprudent - #delayer - #deputy - #censure - #of a king - #to entrust - #arrive at - #kneeling - #stable - #rework - #snatch away - #to make dizzy - #to snatch away - #to promise - #detain - #an oak grove - #recollection - #to aggravate - #gulp down - #eternal - #diminutive - #gale; (milit) charge - #heaven - #a falling /occasion - #employment - #bedroom - #dwell (in) - #woven fabric - #unproductive - #to glut oneself - #engagement - #sly - #goods - #to dream of - #provide /instigate secretly - #inexplicable - #spot - #mildness - #dextrous - #deceit - #a touch - #desirous - #excellent - #needed - #to seize - #method - #bow - #dishonor - #fluently - #mass - #to give orders - #belly - #mountain ash - #to that place - #decay - #stand firm - #beautifully - #two - #victory - #stabbing - #to stand forth - #bailiff - #high - #bath - #dull−witted - #do - #devote /curse - #induce - #the rush - #purpose - #be agreeble to - #runa aaway /avoid - #memory - #put under - #clearly - #discourage - #cut away - #bill−hook - #put away - #left side - #pea -