
(İngilizce - Latince)

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#expand - #orphan - #to spring up - #rub away - #dart - #breezy - #arising from - #leader - #to become violent - #a yard - #full of vice - #great−grandson - #middle - #warm - #urge on - #injure - #everlasting - #close at hand - #summing up - #to let go forward - #extra esto - #wish for greatly - #to break out - #for a long time - #to press down - #impious - #unnatural - #throughout - #a spendthrift - #nosiness - #palpitate - #annull/disprove - #fertility /richness - #be yellow - #gymnasium - #give notice - #burn down - #to demonstrate - #by chance - #to irritate - #covenant - #dripping moisture - #rather more - #neither ... nor - #affection - #thirsty/ sober - #a banquet - #legal - #why even - #admonish /teach - #the age of youth (20−40 years) - #drive - #approximately - #to strive - #on the morrow - #audience - #impregnable - #soaked - #follow to the end - #wagon - #hollow - #lament /(trans.) to bewail - #to make full use of - #but come now - #of not effect - #poor - #to boil up - #a contest - #overmuch - #steep - #proceed - #to reflect - #to cleanse - #filling - #to pay a creditor - #come−on - #further on - #the world - #brightness - #from the outside - #faith - #epidemic - #unnatural thing - #pull out / raze - #winnowing fan - #something else - #shoot up - #clan - #pursue eagerly - #to magnify - #gone West - #scourge - #to disturb - #bald - #loitering - #establish a siege - #Stavelot - #to arrive - #cajole - #distinguish /decide - #pious - #vainly - #for the sake of - #hastily - #to sleep - #commonly - #forbidden - #to imitate - #pelting rain - #all collectively - #set−to - #departure - #condemnation - #betray - #lessened - #commencement - #stubbornly - #to depend on - #to instruct - #prestige - #wrongly - #deal with - #harshness - #goods - #understand - #honey - #aggravate - #contained in - #accord - #fertile - #remain - #slanderous - #to continue eating - #cradle - #betrayal - #brillance - #wildness - #among - #how - #canon / master of a school - #to be deceived - #extent /going around - #at - #drive away - #stupid - #food / bait - #low−lying - #of benefit - #in a peasant manner - #basic constituent -
Fertile soil in a sunny site. (Güneşli bir sitede Bereketli toprak.)