
(İngilizce - Latince)

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#by far - #of a father - #further on - #fleet - #riot - #fine meal - #uncertain - #plead - #to pay a creditor - #decline - #sparing - #store/strip - #to which place - #fairness - #steeped - #die - #essential - #shed tears /exude - #sleeping - #a greenish−yellow color - #sweet as honey - #table - #blowing - #to read again - #to drive away - #limit - #business - #thither - #in the least degree - #self−control - #get in - #tremble - #what? - #foul - #just now - #irregularly - #Maastricht - #endlessnes - #mighty - #to persuade - #pear tree - #to drive together - #put on - #stranger / pilgrim - #all togther - #billow - #passages in literary works - #to separate - #burn - #unimpeded - #happy - #efficient - #whore - #the sooner the better - #murder - #name - #a leather bag - #snatch - #pestilence /destruction - #to pass away - #pastery - #want / seek to know / obtain - #where - #understanding - #bridge - #one ought - #by which route - #data - #a dart - #spurn - #science - #plant. Also - #a biting - #cat - #so far - #relieve - #lay under - #one who makes a pattern - #to become dirty - #to go forth - #broad - #foretell - #gratitude - #seine / a clean sweep - #distribute - #to imitate - #rain storm - #or convey across - #arrow - #to quicken - #rise up - #entreating - #heap up - #hold to - #an embracing - #to gain - #matter - #to swell up - #gale; (milit) charge - #fleece - #fisherman - #cheapness - #divide - #to plow - #himself - #flame - #hailstorm - #the dead - #to be unlike one's kind - #rest - #eating together - #infamous - #for - #indication - #let slip away - #just so - #to totter - #the throat - #sometimes 'saint' - #informant - #luxuriously - #fluency - #to seize - #to restore - #green - #rub away - #to grow - #ornaments - #redundancy - #industrious - #society - #divine influence - #seem - #willingly - #in a laudable fashion - #meaning - #crumb - #cherish - #unfixed - #re−read - #that which is woven - #immatate - #weird - #desire /vow - #clash - #savageness - #ransoming - #expectation - #rub against - #opposition -
U47 made her way to the main fleet anchorage. (U47, ana filoya katılmak üzere yola çıktı.)