
(İngilizce - Latince)

Öğretici Cümleler*

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Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#to pass - #sign - #absent - #having been brought - #a gathering together - #to affect - #misty - #to be ready - #rise up - #incredulous - #dishonor - #personal enemy - #receive - #country estate /(med.) manor - #situation - #arrogant - #to suppress - #to break through - #surety - #concealed /secretly - #narrow - #undoubtedly - #ulcer - #a yard - #an announcement - #anything at all - #ripe - #spotted - #branch - #drunkenness - #afterwards - #fond of fighting - #a mimic - #go before /surpass - #to waste slowly away - #field of wheat - #helpful - #barrenness - #daily - #to come around - #tearful - #unpropitious - #here - #swallow up - #to injure - #stinginess - #admiration - #beat /bewail - #demonstrate - #to continue - #elude - #weep over - #peerless - #very strange - #enduring - #to take possession - #to foretell - #rampart - #beautiful /proper - #ungrateful - #that remaining - #son - #curly−haired - #pastery - #thoughtless - #serve as a soldier - #strew - #dotage - #satisfy - #sprout - #unmourned - #find again / discover - #left over - #exacerbate - #to enrich - #sprung from /son - #totter - #carry on - #to grow in - #down to - #unfixed - #swell with anger - #intimate - #the point that - #square - #pour forth - #always - #recuperation - #thorough - #break up - #allot - #likeness /ghost - #flash - #how great! - #secretly - #unwell - #to touch closely - #advisor - #so often - #to stand up - #require / desire - #stray off - #begin to cling to - #uncured - #light - #great−grandson - #a penitent - #general - #sustain - #to drive off - #frighten - #tin - #cry out - #pertaining to a bedroom - #freeze - #to accuse falsely - #entirely - #seeing that - #consent - #cease /stay - #granted that - #talk - #think out - #victuals - #to play the fool - #knowledge - #delicacies - #not know /rarely neglect - #kidnapper - #flaw - #similar - #for the present - #foresight - #therein - #to torment - #hand to hand - #risk - #window - #despite - #poultice / alleviation - #to eat breakfast - #go before hand - #a little knife - #tide - #heaven - #give abindantly - #to authorize - #favor - #without end - #the ankle -