
(İngilizce - Latince)
effort kelimesinin okunuşunu dinle..

İngilizce - Latince  effort

Anlamını göster
İngilizce - Latince intentio, nixus

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#drowsily - #strew - #born - #stretched /eager - #early - #to move to - #strictness - #puffed up - #of some size - #to collide with - #sanctity - #due forms /funereal rites - #huntsman - #frailty - #blind - #one who provides for - #the enemy - #to set over - #extract - #sooner - #assess - #superfluous - #hand - #anthing that - #squeamish - #to bring again - #deep sleep - #lay up - #to conceal - #economical - #placed near - #crystal drinking cup - #set boundaries to - #quiver - #assault /impulse - #discourage - #send away - #most agreeable - #buried - #principle - #secret - #quit - #come−on - #to write out - #arrogant - #circuit - #effectively - #forty (Indecl.) - #refine - #make publicly known - #envoy - #diffuse - #diligence - #mountain - #exceedingly sharp - #to torch - #hashness - #farm - #robe of state - #overthrow - #sabbath - #Laon - #to strengthen much - #one - #teat - #strike upon - #shine - #fragile - #be afflicted - #utterly - #thawed - #meaning - #party spirit - #scare away - #quickly - #brigand - #indication - #avarice - #to shake - #common - #inclined to steal - #Maastricht - #inconveniently - #to possess - #reprove - #strike /shock - #carry through - #breathing - #god - #park - #call down - #robust - #to press heavily upon - #to grab - #hire - #to attack - #hatred /censure - #money box - #contrive - #a hole - #heavy javelin - #uncomfortable / disadvantage - #draw together - #teaching / knowledge - #meager - #a shaking - #St. Gilles - #conscious of - #agreeably - #seethe - #pebble /lime /goal - #expand - #not owed - #estimate/prune - #fugitive - #elevate - #gluttony - #beyond - #it is finished /right away - #of benefit - #air - #industry - #street - #sport - #foundation - #require - #allowed - #agitate - #nearly - #mitigation - #as it were /a sort of - #falso conclusions - #waste - #forge - #on the right - #voice - #make note - #bring together /win over - #stolen goods - #wheel−shaped - #above - #mutilating - #Stavelot - #reconstructed - #exhort - #south - #lame - #shelter - #disturb - #previous -