
(İngilizce - Latince)

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#wife - #hesitation - #to send back word - #burn - #irreverent - #an attack - #preferrably - #enough - #mark down - #fight to the finish - #fillet - #inconsolable / uncurable - #care - #not strong - #spotlessly - #race track - #sharp point - #mature - #be unwilling - #a promiser - #to pass betond - #fill - #to harass - #hang - #heavenly - #economical - #to bend - #chance - #to look over - #to grow fat - #up for sale /a slave - #to place near - #nation - #strength - #undomesticated - #provided with grain - #steady - #quit - #of what kind - #make arrangements - #wealthy / powerful - #write down - #pebble /lime /goal - #noteworthy - #to raise - #store - #leather - #worst (see malus) - #to be like - #sunk - #powder /arena - #mutilate - #to accuse falsely - #orderly - #disloyally - #by all means - #swiftly - #hastening - #young man - #chest - #pact /assembly for judgment - #to engender - #stuttering - #an announcement - #reeve - #tried - #conspirator - #to goad - #pre−eminence - #Ghent - #divine law or command/ fate - #topic - #mason's trowel - #stain - #to deserve - #spot - #orgy - #lend - #praiser - #battlements - #blockage - #be in dread of - #unhealed - #beard - #a banquet - #holy mass - #to do thoroughly - #stand still - #completion - #rack - #sanity - #repetition - #to lay out - #ward - #doll /little girl - #protect /build a road - #fling - #sell formally - #newly - #to hide - #to concur - #to throw to - #dupe - #to be unlike one's kind - #slowness - #swarm out (like bees) - #manager - #make excuses - #lift up /relieve - #gradual movement - #to think - #to lead - #foresake - #rest - #inward - #bring together /win over - #annull - #greed - #an age - #lust like - #story - #to be obedient to - #lead out - #theme - #surrounding - #to wonder at - #penury - #factor - #of benefit - #browse - #near to - #displeasure - #vote - #greedy - #curiosity - #to limp - #abdicate - #even - #quick - #burning - #how great? - #to run riot - #agent - #invoke - #impari - #a little knife - #shame - #purple cloth /high rank - #been bequeathed - #wise -