
(İngilizce - Latince)
etc kelimesinin okunuşunu dinle..

İngilizce - Latince  etc

Anlamını göster
İngilizce - Latince veho, calamus
etc kelimesinin örnek resmi

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#suretor - #contemptuously - #heaven - #durability - #as yet - #worriedly - #to remain behind - #devote oneself to - #maintain/ strengthen - #supply / decorate - #preside - #worry - #rotundity - #worried - #glitter - #of rain - #jape - #put away - #experience - #wonderful - #to go over - #marvel at - #redundancy - #drive out - #slaughter - #a square - #at the same time/ single - #be pale - #bed - #to adhere - #how much? how many? - #judicious - #custom - #fading - #aristocrat - #worse (see malus) - #prosperous - #modesty - #without stain - #wrath - #possess - #it is agreed - #make/ bring about - #bestrew - #stain with blood - #synagogue - #lack of restraint - #gentle - #around - #meaning - #to entangle - #most luxuriantly - #to pour together - #machinery/ splendor - #tongs - #with the understanding that - #forage - #carrier - #stand firm - #friend - #affair - #publish - #how much - #fellowship - #by force - #song - #lighten - #some time ago - #what is right - #run of the mill - #living - #roominess - #to run into - #a large concourse - #to distribute - #a barker (such as a dog) - #anthing that - #deliver - #but - #leave unmentioned - #pertaining to summer - #lay a foundation - #casket - #make crooked - #covered with hair - #graceful - #instantly - #dissect - #Ghent - #embellish - #prophecy - #a fork - #appropriately - #against - #inhuman - #stranger / pilgrim - #envelope - #to work zealously - #to fall upon - #gay - #be in attendance - #contracted - #a green twig - #penetratingly - #to judge - #to ask for / to pay out - #flow over - #coolness - #to grumble - #thorough - #worst (see malus) - #invocation - #court - #to revoke - #at once - #boundary / coast - #vow - #to pass through - #permitted - #feather - #genuine - #a buying - #begins to speak - #kiln - #desert - #ravisher - #somewhat obscure - #in the same place - #annull - #manfully - #desirous - #associate - #ruins - #make fast - #sooner - #recovery - #sauce or relish - #exhort - #decline - #angel - #slavery - #worthwhile - #three - #to gape /yearn for - #scourge - #easy - #marshy - #express /state /declare - #limit - #cypress -