
(İngilizce - Latince)
feast kelimesinin okunuşunu dinle..

İngilizce - Latince  feast

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İngilizce - Latince epulum, epulo
feast kelimesinin örnek resmi

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#destiny/ lawful - #to grow thickly - #tweet - #entangled - #following - #miner - #happen/go away - #shin - #line - #to placate - #to grab - #fickle - #purity - #to feast - #little by little - #to allow - #accept - #numerous /the common herd - #that which spins - #banner - #to draw together - #chalked - #late - #pleasure - #peel - #premature - #to grow fat - #an announcement - #bark - #blend - #country estate /(med.) manor - #nation - #retinue - #protection - #thrash (to card wool) - #to cut short - #a hollow /lake - #somebody - #early - #weigh down - #excellent - #ready - #in a like manner - #to need - #doctrine - #to have been - #basin - #dispute - #food for animals - #by now - #orb - #hateful - #to stand form - #why not? - #to be pained - #ever - #in white - #afresh - #esteem highly - #menaces - #factor - #to complain loudly - #to choose out - #it is lawful - #declaim - #fitness - #shake /excite - #left−handedly - #bending - #to hint at - #summons - #adv. too much - #cultivate - #the morrow - #be of service - #call forth - #curved - #to study - #tense - #cooperation /plot - #puncture /a point - #to root out - #curiosity - #glow - #entrails - #a long time ago - #table - #bit /restraint - #up (to) - #single - #to entreat for - #prize - #a thousand times - #hold in check - #Nivelles - #sprinkle - #to lift (an obstacle) - #to touch - #informant - #repeat - #sting - #to instruct - #to render old - #an addition - #to be after - #break - #abridgement - #spreading happiness - #relating to horses - #nearest - #broken off - #this side - #throw into disorder - #to entrust - #to harass - #smoke−filled - #superfluous - #blow out - #incomplete - #miraculous - #supply - #possessions - #free from care - #bench - #threshold - #passing over - #attending - #sob - #weapons / honor - #a beginning - #to join connect - #object causing fear - #to make greater - #compose - #to be unsure - #boundary / coast - #collect in large number - #instantly - #throw into confusion - #disgrace - #further - #as many as possible - #outwardly - #good! well done! good job! - #gladness - #hold on to - #on high - #throw out - #to look upward at - #curving -