
(İngilizce - Latince)

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#all the way - #coast−line - #contrary - #to nod - #afterwards - #wheat crop - #covering - #persuasive discourse - #to hack - #up to this point - #a dragging - #an excavation - #discern - #make wealthy - #arcade - #piles - #consolation - #satifying - #to make bright or clear - #woven cloth - #pardon - #to liberate - #judge - #entice - #have influence - #to omit - #to set in order - #Liege - #very clever - #give ground to - #slighter - #rather - #abbreviate - #direction - #free from - #an entering /beginning - #unperceived /unknown - #straying - #to wipe out - #somewhat more - #mow - #swiftly - #in a kindly - #renew - #to unharnass - #overflow - #noise - #use up - #avarice - #at length at las - #it is lawful - #remedy - #fertility - #superb - #fatness - #modestly - #exit - #to aggravate - #to have been - #relax - #accustomed - #to take or lay hold of - #postponed / lax - #damaged - #effort - #pitchfork /narrow pass - #charity - #sure - #vain - #disappearance / distant - #the harvest - #opportune - #open - #low down - #so often - #to go to bed - #to be boiling hot - #happen - #either...or - #stabbing - #and not yet - #pull back - #more advanced - #to be told - #to put under - #to seek - #generous - #stain - #large crowd - #dirt - #to shout - #to be away - #to snatch away - #economy - #revert - #a wandering - #woe - #tell - #a bad smell - #nick−name - #resolve - #sword - #shameful - #a speech - #ungratefully - #To go up and down - #huntsman - #to wander - #criminal - #keep silent /convict - #yellow - #pool /deficiency - #a crystal - #a slope - #extensively - #every - #enclose - #leopard - #so many - #forbidden - #underneath /to the south - #rainwater from the eaves - #decision - #mixed fodder for cattle - #merit - #bathing−place - #freezing - #wheel−shaped - #boasting - #to bless - #some times - #evil deed - #in order that ... not - #means - #Satan - #uncomfortable / disadvantage - #defeat - #declare openly - #allurements - #miserable - #agreement - #quitely - #tissue - #redundancy - #put before - #evaluate - #weep for - #occasion - #heavy - #solicitude -