
(İngilizce - Latince)

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#at times - #spurn - #economy - #of milk - #it is proper - #keen scenter - #wantonly - #pawn - #iterate - #to stand before - #to make greater - #tremble - #quiver - #mingling - #kind - #to keep from - #censure - #duke - #soil /land - #sway - #heap of earth - #pertaining to summer - #with whom - #aristocrat - #slip - #to forbid - #composer - #exact - #arrive - #eunuch - #that is so - #rubbish - #to deliver together - #untasted - #look at - #somehow - #tough - #agreeing - #good fortune - #really - #flee from - #spread news / harrass - #to flow down - #allurements - #letter - #pass through - #thinly - #in a hostile manner - #Nivelles - #panther - #beware - #judiciously - #to be born - #write down - #damage (of crops) - #as indeed it is - #through - #procure - #just as if - #to swell up with anger /swell - #a cypress−wood casket - #survey - #right /broth - #lioness - #to support - #admonish /teach - #moat - #strawberries - #inhumanity - #be enough - #member of an inquest - #pertaining to a bedroom - #grow brilliant - #breeze - #crime - #on condition that - #diligence - #chattels - #to send away - #twitch /criticize - #perennial - #recovery - #draw in - #the sooner the better - #evident - #void - #sabbath - #so small - #the liver - #middle - #chalk - #reverence - #moreover - #be passed to - #restive - #authorization /freedom - #to furnish - #sweet - #sublime - #more shortly - #timid - #on the far side of - #saffron / yellow - #hope - #to cough - #to say - #pluck out - #submission - #lax - #to collide with - #blowing - #to get - #web - #a few - #to join (together) - #murder - #to be valued at - #cock - #done /perfect - #according to - #blowing into - #to hit hard - #to send back word - #abound in - #become hard - #embellish - #profession/ trade - #to produce - #to praise - #to examine - #afflict - #aid - #long - #a former - #to slip - #to take down - #noted - #ear - #tweet - #having a set or standard form - #moderate - #collect in large number - #indoctrinate - #manfully - #charminly - #pebble - #a touch - #mountain ash - #how great? - #feudal holding -