
(İngilizce - Latince)
advise kelimesinin okunuşunu dinle..

İngilizce - Latince  advise

Anlamını göster
İngilizce - Latince admoneo, moneo, precipio, praecipio

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#clean away - #cause great pain - #adjust - #author - #forty (Indecl.) - #ruler - #hollow - #to dive - #mountain crest - #work - #masses - #to buy - #domestic - #to be impossible - #arrival - #a rash - #resolve - #warm baths - #in a certain condition - #immatate - #fithly - #little book - #spring / fresh water / source - #unaided - #she - #belgium - #with - #robust - #loneliness - #low−lying - #furnish - #gale; (milit) charge - #direct one's attention to - #to go to bed - #to plow - #unrelated - #skirmish - #to indicate - #here - #before (in time) - #harden - #Liege - #proof - #great - #to join - #without blame - #to call out to - #attic - #forces - #strive after - #fruit - #irksome - #urban - #to consider oneself indebted - #blackish /sad - #without fear - #enlist - #up (to) - #soft - #to erect - #round - #high - #presents - #aristocrat - #to enlarge - #case for papers - #Rouen - #cajole - #oak tree - #bearable - #otherwise - #agreement / law - #to change - #unsuitable - #leavings - #greet - #at no time - #bridging - #race track - #not long ago - #undergo - #allowed - #charge - #swift - #bring back - #refute. with gen. prove guilty - #progress - #wantining - #a leather bag - #strangeness - #establish - #invocation - #an oak grove - #cord - #change - #to come near - #next/ thereupon - #judge - #living - #bestow - #refer - #to make a bargain or agreement - #get to know - #following - #entire - #suppliant - #wax - #roominess - #in the way /(+ dat.) towards - #pour out (like molten metal) - #an age - #confuse - #speaker. spokesman - #baleful - #to fight against - #take revenge - #a single hair /a trifle - #serviude - #libation - #consent - #savage - #to cut away - #rubbish - #to recreate - #excellent - #unusual - #to write - #fastidious - #to be able to - #to seize - #undomesticated - #polishing - #triumph - #smelly - #light - #to multiply by five - #garrulous - #continuous - #remedy - #alike - #to fertilize /cheer - #keen scenter - #disgrace by degeneracy - #harlot - #or shod with iron - #hateful - #full of ice - #put - #basic constituent - #plaything -