
(İngilizce - Latince)

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#to breathe upon - #prohibit - #afterwards - #ear−rings - #advisor - #artificial - #to torture - #quit - #Triers - #rubbish - #to avenge - #hideous - #cauldron - #put together - #this side - #to turn around - #a clam - #assuredly - #the same - #from whom - #martial - #rend - #epic poem - #accordingly - #maker - #a former - #to take an oath together - #give as due - #executive officer - #a quiver - #fancy /foolish nonesense - #mantle - #divorce - #shock /dislike - #taper - #by much - #rottennes - #up to this point - #associated - #bid - #end - #dog - #little fountain - #runa aaway /avoid - #subordinate - #outside - #citation - #promise to God - #strike upon - #barking - #fight back - #o control - #for my part - #enthusiastic - #to be born - #voyage - #expenditure - #acquainted with - #hesitant - #going in /inroad - #miserably - #to ransom - #to become lean - #watchman - #courteously - #to condescend - #Courtrai - #galdden - #reckoning - #nurseling - #to grow tired - #fall into - #to draw together - #grow sleek - #hinder - #terrify - #replace - #fond of gain - #entrance - #some - #to fasten together - #annoying - #weigh down - #grain /small loaf - #inner rooms - #courteous - #the face - #fluent - #to sigh - #to deposit - #spur - #as yet - #boundaries - #a following - #as quickly as possible - #dust - #to last endure - #allurement - #breath - #hardness - #sport - #with which - #suffer - #comply with - #pit - #sluggishness / apathy - #clip - #infamy /misfortune - #and oak forest - #pardon - #gush - #to laugh at - #slip - #used to - #mob - #frailness - #yours - #bathing - #ardent - #learner - #kill - #inclining toward - #at a higher price - #unfinished - #find pleasure in - #undisturbed / neutral / quiet - #to drag - #in present cirumstances - #to sweep out - #rich - #equipped; (of persons) skilled - #base / pedestal / pier - #to bear - #lose - #voluble - #wrath - #hold on to - #tweet - #make clear in the mind - #to cut off - #to fighten - #his own very self - #suit - #salt - #hen - #to make bright or clear - #couple - #fault - #to hand over - #donjon -
The first chancellor in more than two decades who speaks fluent English. (20 yıldan fazla zamandır bulunan ilk şansölye, akıcı şekilde İngilizce konuşuyordu.)