
(İngilizce - Latince)

Öğretici Cümleler*

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Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#wild - #canon law - #jail - #hard stone - #announce - #young man - #to turn - #a touch - #a spade - #to double - #Tournai - #likeness - #to be open - #unstretched - #endurable - #elude - #fashioning - #maiden - #a bullet - #market place - #fruitfulness - #for this reason - #finally - #sin - #hauberk [a coat of chain mail] - #resident - #to begin - #to be revealed - #equal/ make level or even - #to break out - #plan - #keen - #manage - #to warp /change - #and not yet - #grasping - #induce - #St. Gilles - #spring / fresh water / source - #to feast - #to rebuke - #godly - #not as one would wish - #thesis - #thoughtlessness - #oratorically - #fouly - #gear - #lasting three days - #revolving - #modestly - #obstacle - #courageous - #edge - #to spread out beneath - #worthy - #sapping - #halter - #booth - #faithlessnes - #to beak - #to be able - #of such a size - #discussion - #the others - #a green twig - #rush out - #rotten - #abyss - #to cut down - #hide - #rarely - #to strike - #but/ and indeed - #bursting forth / sally - #temerity - #go past - #zealous - #faulty - #irreverent - #mirror - #jammed - #plant. Also - #the production of spring - #to walk into - #founder - #perceive - #for preference - #keep up - #cone shaped - #cut off / arrange - #business - #miraculously - #barren - #heretical - #aversion - #hitherto - #five years old - #unworked /not done - #plainly - #hatchet - #to quicken - #dispense with - #cinnect /yoke - #secretly - #boiling - #idol - #procurer - #mistake - #kindness - #provide - #trench - #come out /result - #lift up /relieve - #in a certain way - #as indeed it is - #to wish for oneself - #healing - #interrogation - #sad−sounding - #to last endure - #embers - #to stutter - #too few - #notable - #set free - #shield - #in name - #despising - #stuffed full - #efficiently - #blessed - #shining - #to continue eating - #large crowd - #pull in pieces - #verse - #copper kettle - #long−lived - #which - #be in mourning - #make better - #to sail downstream - #miscarriage - #to be ignorant of - #to allow - #windy - #litle by little - #will / gravitation - #to throw -