
(İngilizce - Latince)

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#case/ plea - #go−between - #horse−hair - #to set fire to - #a laurel branch - #loud with waves - #farther (than) - #perusal - #eloquently - #excavate /to gut - #to smell - #nostrum - #translate - #theft - #thrust forward - #pertaining to summer - #precipately / imprudent - #to work - #platform - #bear about - #take revenge - #hate - #more advanced - #hardness - #to make an oath - #annoy - #certain - #the greater - #enjoying - #silence - #to stand form - #urgently - #to untangle - #effusion - #distress - #halt - #deciding by lot - #curelty - #elevation - #in troops - #partly /some - #a purchase - #to cause - #to whatever place you will - #to set over - #name - #doll /little girl - #shame - #to gain - #association - #fulfil - #horse−fly - #omit - #to lay waste - #to reject - #to be still - #to preserve - #a bushel basket - #plainly - #to become tired - #four−horse team - #summon - #under compulsion - #contrast /compete - #in a disorderly manner - #angel - #to fail - #god forbid - #shun - #becoming - #subdue - #fatal - #inventor - #herrings - #helpless - #to stretch out - #deflect - #diligence - #evil - #wish for greatly - #succulent - #for a long time - #horse - #actually? really? in truth? - #extraordinarily - #bow (BOW and arrows) - #crumb - #purify - #give notice - #young animal /chicken - #but if - #to confuse - #stammer /speak obscurely - #the common good - #pollute - #envelope - #inconvenient - #think of - #passionate - #park - #comrade - #provost - #fiercely - #tinder - #communicate - #draw up (troops) - #hole - #vigorous - #and - #amber - #thirst - #wail - #open - #strive - #ill - #harness - #retinue - #tear apart /pillage - #a certain (one - #prodigiality - #rabbit - #annoyalce - #despoil - #be eager for - #ambition - #first principle - #hoard - #to count - #free birth - #snowy - #dear - #grow lukewarm - #descendant - #gear - #to weigh out / estimate - #serving - #weary - #innundation - #cyrpess wood - #not owed - #to decide - #wardens - #encourage - #popular - #make open - #gnash the teeth - #without merit - #winged - #frankly - #a second time -