
(İngilizce - Latince)

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#clear up - #enlargement - #erase writing - #to endure - #to act a part - #seem - #dawn - #incredulous - #cavalry - #related to - #form - #deter - #from all sides - #anthing that - #intentionally - #sleek - #physician - #presents - #careful - #think out - #to that matter - #put to death - #recognize as different - #exalt - #magical - #buttocks - #vanishing - #devil - #cautious /[things] secure - #emperorship - #principal - #to be ashamed - #leafy - #wealth / power - #shed tears /exude - #make suffer - #humanity - #manifest - #pale green /weak - #fulfill - #work done - #skillfully - #desist - #to depend on - #fisherman - #keep together - #executive officer - #wretched - #to go by - #passionate - #drunk - #disgust - #piece of cloth - #preferring - #expand / spring forth - #carpet - #to restore - #opulent - #a following - #thresh - #brilliance - #only just - #to magnify - #to shine - #level - #wizard - #impenetrable - #feeble /(sometimes) sick - #limit /manner - #lowly - #stinking - #to get again - #to hide - #to become lean - #some ... others - #to be pained - #girl - #rightly - #to chatter - #mark down - #embrace - #orator - #different - #impregnable - #cry aloud - #wing−footed - #go up - #suffice - #sift - #pawn - #founder - #extraordinary - #of a father - #the whole - #tyranny - #spring - #the enemy - #conquer - #to arrive - #achievement - #fitted - #fil up - #plundering - #raging - #to obtain by service - #four times /again and again - #drained / swallowed up - #throughout - #a joining - #easily moved - #grace - #I say - #adj - #majesty - #Hames - #to give duration - #glorious - #criminal - #to pass time - #three - #a rash - #beg - #a shaking - #judicious - #rest - #regulation - #draw up (troops) - #make plain - #weigh - #to come around - #solitary /machless - #annoy - #to do/contrive evil - #colored - #sumptuous food - #hurricane. tornado - #due forms /funereal rites - #blot out - #to be mistaken - #confused - #ease /diminish - #to consider oneself indebted - #put a halter on a horse - #be moderate - #a vineyard planted with trees - #mistress - #recline / be ill in bed - #believe - #take - #spirit -