
(İngilizce - Latince)
mistake kelimesinin okunuşunu dinle..

İngilizce - Latince  mistake

Anlamını göster
İngilizce - Latince error, erratum, mendum menda

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#pebble /lime /goal - #portent - #manner of life /monastic life - #bowels - #painter - #court - #the laurel - #debate - #quivering - #for indeed - #prepared - #clarify - #be extant - #salt - #commence - #cram - #offer for sale - #to speak - #through - #solid - #Roman power - #be wanton - #exasperated/ disturbed - #desirous - #emperor - #unite - #compensation - #native - #the tail of an animal - #hollow - #cut short - #obtaining - #to become violent - #to grieve - #to execute completely - #bald - #apply - #request - #continue - #produce - #remoteness - #to lie - #wantining - #fling - #first place - #base - #custom - #fortunately - #arched - #why? - #expectation - #keep oneself from - #hide - #a moment - #fight back - #dishonored /dishonorable - #robust - #implant - #attire - #piece of cloth - #to require - #infect - #to work - #innate character - #mutiny - #prodigiality - #humble - #hesitate - #iron - #serve as a soldier - #neither ... nor - #to rise - #abbey - #the herb savory - #acorn - #do away with - #suretor - #to clothe - #faithlessly - #trace - #work one's way in - #rush - #story - #accomplish - #generous - #put to flight - #to drive off - #wildness - #to polish - #vex - #much spoken of - #shortness - #lion - #to hold in - #a citizen of the lowest rank - #bragging - #gladdening - #inclining toward - #ship's station - #earthen wall - #Marchiennes - #name invite - #irregularly - #boyishly - #weird - #teribly - #to buy up - #lamp - #discussion - #fleet - #injure - #couple - #vary - #bark - #technique - #desire - #advantageous - #dryness - #downfall - #a cubit long - #strain - #to torch - #to carry out - #deciding by lot - #to break through - #to snatch away - #doubt - #woodpecker - #size - #couch - #completion - #courageous - #push - #custody - #sword - #public office - #ask back - #be without - #till now - #to be after - #delights - #to injure - #respect - #from within - #furious - #harass - #mangle /imperfect - #poppy - #bondage - #tempest -
U47 made her way to the main fleet anchorage. (U47, ana filoya katılmak üzere yola çıktı.)