
(İngilizce - Latince)

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#comfort - #shout - #a small book - #sterility - #at that time - #legatee - #forming - #to grow fat - #carnage /debris - #all together - #seek - #to have been - #performance - #persistence - #wave - #temple - #innundation - #work done - #to know again - #a private person - #agreed−upon - #without consideration - #be concealed - #strange/ a foreigner - #to be of the opinion of - #public - #lightness - #ditcher - #insignia of office - #adapted - #avarice - #leisure - #weed - #elevate - #equally - #united - #to gain - #expose - #earthly - #nominally - #to rush into - #subdue - #censure - #altogether - #to forsake - #for my part - #to wish for oneself - #holy mass - #witness - #five - #cleverly / cunningly - #blot out - #neat - #pretext /interest - #to fall in or on - #peace - #summon - #noteworthy - #without respect - #to mark beneath - #since - #mantle - #rainwater from the eaves - #unpleasant - #mark out - #to clothe - #jutting out - #joint /rekationship - #unsupportably - #yellow - #sprinkle - #rolling - #destructive - #to take one's stand - #station - #halter - #pass beyond - #entreaty - #stranger - #the same - #acknowledge - #fable - #to arise in succession - #savagely - #chafe - #deter - #command - #to vomit - #to wipe off - #having large lips - #prodigy - #pencil - #to seize - #to cry aloud - #insult - #but - #to be valued at - #vessel - #deliberately - #a rival - #faithful - #redolent - #clash - #for the sake of - #sanity - #to be dirty - #acquire - #manager - #to honor (a deity) - #one who fattens fowls - #exhilaration - #concept - #rejection - #advanced in years - #judge - #provided - #boggy - #fit - #too few - #to support - #eternal - #fulfil - #to confuse - #a beating - #drug - #depravity - #throne / bath−tub - #shield - #weakly - #lack - #spot/ blemish - #painted / of cloth - #heedless - #all collectively - #much spoken of - #hold - #wheatfield - #henceforth - #trustee - #future - #threshold - #to call into question - #respectful - #leak - #eject - #fair - #finished - #at a distance - #impetuous - #beaten -