
(İngilizce - Latince)

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#foretelling - #assemble - #plunge into - #spare - #at a late hour - #disorderly - #perfect - #set up - #to force - #she - #stand firm - #flashing - #compel - #sides - #whereas - #leave - #to send - #capable of flight - #both ... and - #draft animal - #like - #take violent action - #infinite - #dissolve - #imperious - #to declare - #drowsy - #poorly adapted - #in masses - #extensively - #cautious /[things] secure - #less - #unlike - #steward - #buying back - #reflect - #forty (Indecl.) - #agent - #plagiarist - #full of mistakes - #if - #sheep - #palm - #matter - #to make progress - #first principle - #cut up - #refer - #seriously - #fitness - #arise - #combatant - #father - #defile - #to dream of - #branch - #to run back and forth - #curly - #now and then - #to pursue eagerly - #to harass - #buffoon - #residence - #at the present time - #provide - #to cram - #unite /comprehend - #gratifying - #to remind - #begin again - #to get up - #use up - #to swear an oath - #to become hot - #motive - #discourage - #persevere - #indiscreetly - #rays of light - #to grow strong - #defeat - #stupid - #a stake - #keep - #strength - #to cut away - #foodstuffs - #annihilate /spoil - #the waiting for - #to differ - #why even - #magpie - #peace - #the gallows - #contest - #honesty - #divine law or command/ fate - #loitering - #factor - #mangle /imperfect - #green - #neither nor - #more true - #disagreement - #to be an informant - #infamy /misfortune - #heart - #to catch sight of - #drink in /think up - #timid - #gladness - #to obtain - #fortunately - #to maintain - #this way - #to repeat - #blows - #profitless /weak - #covetousness - #label - #work again - #flame - #and not yet - #squeeze - #want - #embroider - #burning - #oaken - #grandeur - #to lay to a charge - #disjoint - #to provide arms - #even (to) - #furthermore - #cut to pieces - #comply with - #sane - #a small book - #hinder - #private - #stern - #to tear in pieces - #many - #misfortune - #to paint - #in like manner - #superfluous - #at length - #to place near - #forming -