
(İngilizce - Latince)

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#madness - #guide - #thrashing - #excellent - #to the ground - #medicine - #reconstructed - #epigram - #board - #gift - #arrow - #license - #at the present time - #veneration - #to set against - #why even - #to ruin - #author - #to perish - #bed - #money box - #to drive together - #occasion - #work one's way in - #washed - #temper - #impreovement - #drought - #assurance - #clothing/ spoils - #instruct - #discourteously - #fox - #unsure - #market place - #filled - #hailstorm - #hair of the head - #preferrably - #without stain - #aristocratic - #giving of help - #disrupt - #time - #envoy - #also foot - #suffice - #against one's will - #to thank - #to put together - #overflowing - #a rival - #sleek - #mutiny - #weigh down - #to make bloody - #sterility - #plank - #pertaining to the city - #find good - #mazzle - #plant. Also - #await - #not know /rarely neglect - #deadly things - #a scream - #to establish - #morsel - #garrulous - #recuperation - #it says - #unbend - #how great! - #to be seen - #attractiveness - #gain an injunction - #fleet - #take refuge - #sharp nosed - #person without means - #a drop (of liquid) - #signify - #strain - #martial - #pleasant - #without delay - #easily broken / fleeting - #race track - #without consideration - #contribute - #to set (as in 'the sun sets') - #be extant - #lay a foundation - #to remain - #loesen /impair - #very little - #shortness - #caution - #press down - #elect - #twine together - #a single hair /a trifle - #service - #going forth - #cut off - #passionate - #window shutter - #pledge - #sacred - #a demand - #abandon - #either of the two - #perseverance - #mouse - #to listen to - #vanishing - #an excavation - #quite - #cleverly / cunningly - #ride - #hinder - #illustrious - #living - #to beg by entreaty - #stenographer (class.) - #cultivate - #get rid of - #look for - #wheat crop - #placard - #it is just - #rightly - #humanity - #device - #to announce officially - #gather together - #next - #to count - #to serve /quiver - #abound - #job - #undergo - #a barker (such as a dog) - #consecrate - #to set up - #an addition - #market - #former - #greedy - #puffed−out cheeks -
U47 made her way to the main fleet anchorage. (U47, ana filoya katılmak üzere yola çıktı.)