
(İngilizce - Latince)

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#to allow - #be concealed - #therefore - #an ounce - #depending on - #compress - #without bloodshed - #to go to - #garrison - #uncorrected - #hurt /injustice - #eternal - #to go to bed - #parent - #instruction - #unfeeliing - #carpenter's axe - #foot - #chalk - #annoying - #sooner - #rare - #abundance - #to offer a price - #store - #swarthy - #pen - #made of iron /hard - #creep over - #rank - #to precede - #somewhat obscure - #to quarrel - #cut up - #childish - #how great! - #rag - #author - #wound - #exertion - #banquet - #to impede - #or issue - #to look at attentively - #accessible - #my - #to give duration - #counselor - #first place - #oratorically - #poverty - #to guide - #cauldron - #spider's web - #briing forth - #anxious - #to go to meet - #orgy - #not far - #hero - #unreliable/ flighty - #inside - #shelter - #pertaining to rain - #persevere - #pay back - #litle by little - #to announce officially - #heated /(character) heated - #placed near - #explain - #legal - #enclosure /troop - #precept - #to paint - #get up and go - #respond - #except; prep. + acc. - #loosen / widen - #granted that - #inconvenience - #today - #at one time - #loot - #full - #induce - #to crown - #unchanging - #inconsistent - #to lay - #disburse - #scorch - #to fight - #combative - #fastidious - #source - #follow to the end - #a depth - #inheritance - #large crowd - #acquainted with - #steeped - #climb - #represent - #philosopher - #write down - #to deny /deny a debt - #to that matter - #carpet - #to pour forth - #in the same place - #to grumble - #obstinacy - #sweetmeats - #store/strip - #to depart - #to raise up - #corridor - #to bring forward - #exceedingly sweet - #entitle - #food for animals - #to assemble - #liberty - #lettuce - #general - #accompanied - #fleet - #to fabricate - #forty winks - #vaue - #plate - #to judge - #suspected - #a laurel branch - #consent - #draft animal - #consequential - #whereas - #industry - #employ for wages - #exhort - #herds - #with few means - #to wonder at - #elegance - #to stick in - #hardly - #undertaker - #not so -
U47 made her way to the main fleet anchorage. (U47, ana filoya katılmak üzere yola çıktı.)