
(İngilizce - Latince)
shoot kelimesinin okunuşunu dinle..

İngilizce - Latince  shoot

Anlamını göster
İngilizce - Latince suboles, surculus

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#fill up - #data - #a twelfth - #straight ahead - #beg - #confessor - #unaccustomed /unusual - #dagger point - #annihilation - #favorer - #as much of ... as - #wide - #consult - #charge - #to awake - #to allure - #frightfulness - #fithly - #mountain crest - #fortunately - #propserity - #the herb savory - #extend /put off - #a doze - #glimmer - #each - #concerned - #butler - #readily - #support - #stuttering - #to have no hope - #maker - #slowness - #destroy - #throughout - #countenance /aspect - #make merry - #to strike violently - #weather - #abundantly provided - #justly - #to lie hidden - #to arise - #decision - #font - #counselor - #a single time - #at what price - #by which route - #refrain from - #bench - #heap up - #to complain excessively - #distract /(property) sell up - #to come near - #to apply oneself - #shudder - #merit - #to stretch - #on the spot - #coming from - #damage (of crops) - #with great effort - #enjoy/ associate with - #it is fitting - #fearlessly - #plundering - #dishonored - #entreat successfully - #mouse - #to rise - #to make anew - #recall - #to deserve - #to get into a certain state - #boredom - #adjacent - #to sift - #direct - #to tear down - #disburse - #beggar - #thrice - #to be pained - #to be still - #to ignore - #a rash - #tear apart /pillage - #for the present - #loftiness - #disgrace - #what? - #erode - #to become hot - #take violent action - #work done - #steadily - #to repair - #ease - #vigorous - #just as if - #plow - #abide - #tinder - #in need - #document - #be entitled to - #lamentable - #alien - #termination - #wife - #origin - #pear - #designate - #now - #guarantor - #obtain one's desire - #the publishing of a book - #poluted - #suddenly - #husband of a grand−daughter - #perhaps - #strive - #deputy - #different - #await - #to put in motion - #insane - #her - #dispatch - #give into charge - #salty - #unwilling - #not long ago - #otherwise - #meal or flour - #of the highest worth - #to make sad or gloomy - #lax - #undecided - #elegant - #shaping - #remove /steal - #island - #to rush back and forth - #property /census - #befall - #to obtain by service - #a fishing net -