
(İngilizce - Latince)

Öğretici Cümleler*

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Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#to injure - #hand over - #exhibit - #to drive against - #establish - #repetition - #rapidly - #wan - #essential - #To go up and down - #desert - #to get up - #to become visible - #field of wheat - #plunder - #of long duration - #to come around - #according to the canons - #make a stand - #battlements - #betrayal - #dictator - #inert - #ask back - #wound - #winnowing fan - #arbitrate - #throw up /to cast out - #realm - #beat /exile - #up (to) - #dull - #hereafter - #a yard - #to become heavy - #rite - #stuffed full - #shrunken - #diversity - #in present cirumstances - #case at law - #multitude /celebration /fame - #office - #a lying down - #unkempt - #cruelty - #what - #speed up - #presumptuously - #milled (of grain) - #infect - #express /state /declare - #bring on - #specter - #hold up - #perform - #cligning - #to spread out beneath - #make /duplicate - #humble - #plain - #bravery - #a crowd of attendants - #here - #low - #adminstrator - #agitated - #expensive - #to have the habit of - #voluntary - #pack - #erect /elevate - #to set over - #opportune - #investigate - #boy - #hair of the head - #lend - #presents - #to set up - #putrid /loose - #incomprehensible - #summer - #to give - #mode - #service - #herds - #behind - #fatherland - #unchanging - #plumed - #in the common way - #yield - #sorrow - #solitary /machless - #caress - #cinnect /yoke - #cross - #peak - #gazelle - #the Zodiac - #tenacious /supple - #at all events - #fouly - #to be unwilling - #to tolerate - #consequence - #relate to - #generous - #raging - #seek - #profuse - #to delay - #caprice - #fix - #pond - #to commit - #to awaken /be alert - #to sew together - #early - #of what kind? of the kind that - #put - #strike upon - #aged - #To be inclined to do - #courtyard - #effect - #anew - #to be well - #emanate - #learning - #express oneself - #allow - #leopard - #stolen goods - #a mimic - #to say often - #die - #curtain - #to call back - #clothes - #to satisfy - #go out - #St. Gilles - #to give way - #as much as you will - #luck - #summon - #doll /little girl - #nun -