
(İngilizce - Latince)

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#today - #engagement - #autograph - #decline in health - #steal - #settle up - #to possess - #wheel - #provisions - #crack - #spring forth - #sense - #enlarge - #sate - #to allow - #a small property - #convenience - #license - #instructed - #profitable - #to owe - #restrict - #be furious - #irrational - #o make correct - #cross - #laureate - #o control - #to wonder at - #fetch - #supporter - #overhtrow - #to lead in - #small bag - #candies - #hold on to - #to kindle - #to rush in - #large hearth - #almighty - #trample upon - #rough - #to take vengeance for - #Evroul - #hanging - #stick to - #old - #orate - #to that matter - #announce - #worthy - #equity - #untasted - #animal - #oak tree - #consequence - #joined together - #four (indecl.) - #yoke /a team of oxen - #be vigilant /to keep vigil - #rage - #ponder over - #turn around - #smoothness - #too little - #to weigh - #soundness of mend - #to weigh out / estimate - #long - #give into charge - #envy - #past - #jab - #fastidious - #prize - #to crown - #until now - #kneeling - #passion - #therein - #to announce - #sever - #feeling - #establish a siege - #close - #noted - #briar - #infer - #wide - #shears - #incline - #to stand - #of immoderate size - #else where - #creature - #entreat - #depress - #machinery/ splendor - #captivity - #to complain /contain - #breathing /life /spirit - #admonish - #source / a mask - #Stavelot - #down to - #carry by - #to enter upon - #smell - #monastery - #touching - #to bleat - #ravisher - #uncultivated - #devil - #navigate - #four−horse team - #win - #to be reduced to - #teribly - #to release - #praise - #to be at the head of - #rpotact - #maim - #to provide arms - #ward off - #begins to speak - #strait - #little /very small - #pliant - #Liege - #threshold - #dishonorably - #rounded - #to sacrifice - #freezing - #pit - #to vomit - #to weave together - #empty−headed - #inconsistency / faithlessness - #fling in - #resting - #decapitation - #to cut through - #learning - #hire - #stroke /coax - #flash - #hashness -