
(İngilizce - Latince)

Öğretici Cümleler*

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Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#to sell formally - #sleepily - #to weave - #charge /guardianship - #disentangle /ready - #fertility /richness - #witch - #speak - #leavings - #bathing - #to stand form - #lamp - #twine - #skill method - #trial - #past - #epidemic - #pipe - #mountainous - #untasted - #sqeamishness /scorn - #whoever - #bloody - #countenance - #stinginess - #clime - #rob - #judgment - #becoming - #assail - #guiltless - #believe - #grow worse - #label - #satisfy a creditor - #material - #to join connect - #in flocks - #reflect upon - #assistance - #dusk - #to bring up - #that which spins - #go past - #incomparable - #get wet / wash away - #sustain - #fable - #check - #plowman - #planted with trees - #pleasurable - #foretelling (s) - #great−great−grandfather - #lump - #grow brilliant - #girl - #to cut away - #universe - #endurable - #fond of fighting - #log - #to be in or on - #station - #tongs - #agitated - #to spend - #to sacrifice - #make excuses - #devote oneself to - #regulate - #abounding in - #powerfully /very - #to put together - #be confident of - #infinity - #crowds - #concentrate / favor - #heap of earth - #to look for - #to go ahead - #pea - #as many as possible - #to call back - #sufficient /sufficiently - #incredible - #thereafter - #headband (worn by a priest) - #untrimmed / rude - #at no time - #stubborn - #lean - #browse - #weakly - #soup - #suppose - #a dwarf - #meaning - #to lift up - #to carry in front - #to come to the aid - #creature - #viciously - #recognition - #world /university - #some - #subjugate - #drop - #in present cirumstances - #to consider carefully - #accord - #yellow - #forgiveness - #go forth - #annihilate /spoil - #to indicate - #to send forward - #bad - #grain /small loaf - #affair - #guile - #throb - #sown in wheat - #evening star - #red - #depraved - #to knock down - #slavery - #leather - #chop up - #small bag - #from all sides - #correct - #pool - #to collect - #quantity - #wicked - #to go to - #evaluate - #deprived of - #rustle - #soon - #rather - #noising - #bowl - #territory - #oily - #etc - #to congeal - #second -