
(İngilizce - Latince)

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#rising / origin - #sensibly - #it is raining - #esteem - #contrary - #associated - #begun - #mutiny - #king - #the back /skin - #long haired - #mountainous - #divine influence - #carry through - #a journey /money - #by which route - #not long from now - #unaccustomed - #to dedicate - #to be reduced to - #cape - #surround - #shoot up - #fragile - #disloyalty - #containing a no - #move - #label - #to embrace - #been bequeathed - #way - #Liessies - #make merry - #distinguish /decide - #appropriate - #brevity - #to erect - #sanity - #answering letter - #last will - #faintly glimmering - #be remarkable - #vigorous - #delay - #beg for /intercede /curse - #a retreat - #cleaning out - #begin to cling to - #distract /(property) sell up - #hotly - #admirably - #a falling /occasion - #conceal - #handsome - #the signer of a document - #mother - #army - #softly - #to invite - #consequently - #unddistinguished - #unroll - #a pit - #trace - #the other one - #to blush to - #a mimic - #giving of help - #pertaining to man - #a loan - #departure - #chop up - #air - #manufacture /craft - #muscular - #be devoted to - #fidelity - #assurance - #to stink - #diligence - #to enter upon - #instance - #one hundred - #go away - #drowsy - #let down - #up to then - #thither - #deny - #make excuses - #last - #chiefly - #getting - #tenth - #navigate - #in the common way - #give notice - #presume - #interior - #quit - #rend - #hard stone - #to keep oneself - #remain firm - #hare - #unharmed - #to gather strength - #inner - #be unaware - #attainment - #disappoint - #treachery - #secretly - #to be sure - #verge - #extraordinary /news - #drunkenness - #to howl loudly - #extremely - #wild goat - #chief - #bid - #capacity - #that /he - #sad - #to indicate - #little bag - #lamentable - #unmourned - #remind - #stray - #lay - #excuse - #lonliness - #misfortune - #exact - #cruel - #translate - #keeper of a tomb - #to grab - #a period of three days - #a handle - #doorkeeper - #to accuse falsely - #faster - #contracted - #omnipotent - #unconquerable - #pit - #anxiously -