
(İngilizce - Latince)

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#duty /gift - #wrongly - #gain an injunction - #going in /inroad - #woven fabric - #to carry through - #accidentally - #adv. a long while - #prefer - #pliancy - #pride - #give over - #hero - #carry on - #to go away - #fuller's earth - #perceive - #reinstate - #sickle - #go ahead - #to work - #tested - #to grab - #what? - #discover - #lawful - #rigid - #nothing - #fly away - #chest - #protection - #a burden - #enticement - #to pick out - #the greater - #arrogance - #be of use - #teribly - #to subject to - #it is resolved - #platform - #base - #dagger point - #fineness - #to come back - #a workhouse for slaves - #maw - #whiskers - #in the common way - #bed - #stern of a ship - #to define - #throw up /to cast out - #head /top - #novel - #autograph - #external/ strange - #grey hair /old age - #to dig in - #fruitfulness - #springing from - #fertile - #leather - #leavings - #race - #judgement - #to go inland - #factor - #to hold up - #to render old - #to torture - #to stand out - #best of all - #to pass betond - #townsman - #the back /skin - #grab - #for which reason - #load /heavy body - #saturate /to stain - #might / opulence - #to put after - #begin to glow or boil - #one who fattens fowls - #to bless - #impress - #in−bringing - #calumny - #to ascend - #stipulated - #splash - #excavate /to gut - #at one time ... at another - #foggy - #to lie hidden - #founder of a family - #be in charge of - #wisdom - #not to exist - #ungrateful - #left over - #rush upon - #to answer for - #to fighten - #of what kind - #be spoiled - #to fear - #web - #bring forth/ advance - #steady - #breezy - #to listen to - #stretch - #to bring as expected - #family name - #a destroyer - #foremost /most distinguished - #left−handedly - #left side - #unfeeliing - #panther - #describe - #great−great−grandson - #to exhibit - #concept - #comprehend - #wife - #circle - #blockage - #astonishing - #independent - #irritate - #to hunt - #spacious /later - #countryman - #transparent - #more (than) - #piously - #safe (for food - #to hurl against - #desecrate - #ditcher - #greed - #to be sure - #allay - #speckled - #ask for - #shear - #revenge - #to decrease -
Fertile soil in a sunny site. (Güneşli bir sitede Bereketli toprak.)