
(İngilizce - Latince)

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#passed away - #nutshell - #whither - #to fan /to wave something - #judgement - #take refuge - #till now - #agreeably - #bestow - #polished - #hold an opinion - #endurable - #compress - #blind - #behind - #to the ground - #talent - #weigh - #experience - #wipe out - #essay - #having large lips - #search for - #whoever - #arrangment - #low down - #a bitter weed - #thorough - #increase / offspring - #fling in - #rhetorician - #to follow - #it is just - #survey - #insignia - #the godfather of a man's child - #bring together /win over - #durability - #without reason - #expansion / rest - #society - #a forge - #dangerous - #placed near - #Nivelles - #rottennes - #become used to - #consequential - #impediment - #shake to pieces - #impel - #statute /covenant - #smoke−filled - #a pimple - #often - #step−daughter - #harlot - #bind up - #abound in - #inspired - #to rise up - #pillage - #shield - #beat /exile - #migratory - #happy - #title - #congratulate - #discuss - #gladness - #to proclaim - #tease - #to eat breakfast - #impede - #come quickly - #angered - #to take up - #caress - #shears - #cultivator - #founder of a family - #to press heavily upon - #to maintain - #declare - #back and forth - #hand to hand - #unwilling - #spot/ blemish - #of the morrow - #to weep - #lessons - #atonement - #occurrence - #of saffron - #up and down - #knife blade - #robust - #to remain - #termination - #damaging - #free birth - #technique - #function - #host - #be extant - #be - #contact /contagion - #quick - #to kill cruelly - #to send back word - #deep - #a hairband - #partly cloudy - #language - #impell/cite - #allot - #boundary / coast - #curly - #vivacity - #thrust - #propserity - #without - #the stomach - #pay attention to - #revenge - #win - #motion (earth quake) - #rub away - #edict - #dirt - #distance - #otherwise than - #advanced in years - #picking out / reading - #sailor - #conscience - #even as - #over - #shave - #squander - #because - #curtain - #nostril - #the greater - #betrayer - #ornaments - #take revenge - #to be born - #scorch - #pursuer -