
(İngilizce - Latince)

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#man of courage - #harvester - #presents - #healing - #occasion - #to stand - #have on show - #approaching - #train - #to repeal - #dead - #numb - #Courtrai - #erect /elevate - #such a long time - #expansion / rest - #restlessness - #how great? - #near Cisoing - #thinness - #revolt - #life−restoring - #film - #leavings - #to give a nod to - #not know - #inquire - #find fault with - #to allow - #make - #to rush in - #to wash away - #to be ashamed - #devour - #fierce - #past tense of eo - #color - #so many - #heap of earth - #newness - #funeral oration - #introduce - #devoid of - #proud - #linger - #to gnash one's teeth - #honest - #forces - #stray - #messenger - #to imitate - #to lay aside - #careful - #longing /regret - #grandson - #vary - #unfortunate - #ensnared - #work done - #inside - #to spin - #audience - #lay hold of - #to that matter - #harness - #it is proper - #flood - #to break open - #to convert - #feeling of shame - #better - #payment - #draw up - #attention /medical attention - #wheel - #icy - #to begin - #to wipe - #uproar - #director - #to eat up - #throb - #countryside - #to fill - #cypress - #to come often - #footstep - #be opposite - #liberty - #leopard - #thorn−bush - #slyly - #drive in - #to go over - #add - #lair - #careless - #foremost - #trouble / charge - #undertook - #spelt - #to shout - #oblivion - #paved - #knowing - #complete - #to reflect - #clean away - #a hairband - #contention - #for - #foot - #massacre - #make wealthy - #recovery - #lifet up - #branch - #perfect - #professor - #inasmuch as - #procedure - #varied - #fling - #trustee - #craftsman - #subtly - #manifold - #cheap - #fiftieth - #almighty - #fit out - #to take for oneself - #great−great−great grandfather - #long for - #put in place - #notice secretly - #consider of less account - #chapter - #birds - #swell /to be pompous - #scheme - #unhappy - #a vessel for drinking - #adjacent - #Mainz - #expel - #advanced - #henceforth - #venerable - #a taking away -