
(İngilizce - Latince)

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#deter - #using - #browse - #bring - #purple cloth /high rank - #fertility /richness - #to consider carefully - #it is proper - #again - #by a lot - #purify - #to begin - #steal in - #declare openly - #motion (earth quake) - #tough - #to give a nod to - #impregnable - #a handle - #region - #the Zodiac - #give abindantly - #cut down - #elevation - #top - #overcome - #paleness - #tub - #contrast /compete - #soundness of mend - #unfeeliing - #factor - #break - #to gather - #to doubt - #fill up - #wildly - #helpful - #to accuse falsely - #unlike - #poultice / alleviation - #an addition - #pliant - #rather slow - #accident - #breakfast - #goose - #progeny - #think out - #immediately - #to them themselves - #the enemy - #to pass over - #to make an oath - #certain - #nap - #not extended - #rpotact - #wild goat - #to be unlike one's kind - #wash clean - #improvident - #procure - #to free - #silver - #bier - #having large lips - #wand - #crocodile - #unsupportably - #extend /put off - #misty - #youthful - #strike upon - #the dead - #turn - #endanger - #waste - #unconquerable - #formerely - #this side - #keep back - #stand still - #wearing armor - #fairly - #halt - #exclude - #independence / frankness - #ride by - #to unloose - #wagon - #buried - #in some respects /in general - #turn over - #to produce - #etc)/ the west /fall - #coverlet - #left−handed - #forgetfulness - #frightfulness - #humanity - #consequently - #hand to hand - #make joyful - #apathy - #to accustom - #to turn the mind to - #widowhood - #broken off - #following - #redundancy - #fourth - #to come to a boil - #outlaw - #by birth - #king - #at any time - #curly / trembling - #first place - #relate to - #sitting down - #sword - #pertaining to the city - #clear /explain - #ripe - #banking on - #to turn upside down - #arc - #more remote - #estimate/prune - #worthlessness - #not arranged - #mortal - #balm - #artisan - #inner - #lamp - #stern of a ship - #leafy - #produce - #bloodless - #contented - #determine - #long / willing - #glorious - #to rain - #uncertain - #each side - #to leave - #appear -