
(İngilizce - Latince)
behold kelimesinin okunuşunu dinle..

İngilizce - Latince  behold

Anlamını göster
İngilizce - Latince aspicio, conspicio
behold kelimesinin örnek resmi

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#shriek - #the country - #close - #suffocate - #apprehension - #crested - #pulling /territory - #manoeuver - #to trip up - #orate / speak loudly - #big toe - #prolong - #mixture /confounding - #banished - #to be at the head of - #dreadful - #ordering - #gangway of a ship - #to come - #passed away - #contracted - #warning - #to throw out - #martyr - #chosen - #stuff - #disrupt - #to choke - #plundering - #strength - #upwards - #to distribute - #inquisitiveness - #despise - #aloft - #conformation - #early in the morning - #with the understanding that - #this side - #as quickly as possible - #lion - #rebuilt /recycled - #basin - #to let go forward - #to take care of - #rich - #though - #Hasnon - #lifet up - #properly - #desire /vow - #bowl - #to swallow - #mind - #extend /put off - #frankness - #nature - #suffering - #to erect - #not extended - #gone West - #to stand before - #repeatedly - #square - #without consideration - #to gain - #a dream - #doubt - #speak - #shake - #or upon - #loathing - #rising - #use - #gentle - #to ransom - #to give way - #to set free - #acquainted with - #kin - #decayed - #banquet - #equipped - #repel - #pear tree - #sore - #afraid - #communicate - #to fertilize /cheer - #reconstructed - #shortly - #scissors - #preaching (s) - #resume - #orderly - #a blow - #penetrate /shatter - #duke - #see/aim at - #lot - #pebble - #stammeringly - #charminly - #fruitfulness - #to plow - #to adjust - #grave - #travel through - #to make a bargain or agreement - #to hit - #distinction - #possessing wealth or worth - #beat /exile - #hastening - #to reject - #a diver - #solace - #return - #every day - #to carry out - #a laurel branch - #shed tears - #gentleness - #harshness - #agreed−upon - #to overcome - #furniture - #arc - #pole - #abandon - #dancer /presider - #to implore - #savagely - #cot - #rubbish - #transfer - #wheel−shaped - #hove - #sacred - #take up - #understanding - #weather - #ridge - #a head−dress - #find fault with - #to do wrong - #to flow in /to rush in - #rolling - #to reflect - #consider of less account -