
(İngilizce - Latince)

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#be used to - #unaccustomed /unusual - #equipment - #bridging - #recoup - #turning around /changeable - #to run into - #to confirm - #guest - #Laon - #congress - #not at all - #the other one - #overthrow - #expel - #than - #originator - #banner - #spot. [monastery] - #talented /neturally fit - #alms - #a spade - #false - #discreetly - #helpful - #step−daughter - #settle up - #mutiny - #sad−sounding - #noble - #bridle - #foretell - #to let go forward - #three times - #brawl - #skill method - #blanket - #to torment - #unaided - #make provision for - #tongue - #to wish well - #motive - #a meeting - #cut off - #to declaim - #suppliant - #numerous assembly - #as much as you will - #inconveniently - #chalk - #a banquet - #to do/contrive evil - #lethargic - #conflagration - #sleeping - #slightly - #essential - #to authorize - #yes (answering a question) - #count - #Metz - #solemn - #stubbornly - #inhumanity - #unconsumed - #Courtrai - #be furious - #disobident - #become - #explanation - #faling headlong - #away - #avenger - #issue - #temple - #frequent /besiege - #thrust forward - #their envy and jealousy - #to have - #irregularly - #ointment - #err - #skill - #sweet - #device - #breastplate - #stand firm - #to give way - #square - #forefathers - #set /(milit.) post - #cauldron - #tradition - #warlike /wild - #pack - #exercise - #relate to - #till now - #perform - #neighbor/ (med.) resident - #stand in need of - #piously - #us /the world belongs to US - #headband (worn by a priest) - #discussion - #stammeringly - #learned - #weary - #to attract - #without fear - #crocus - #reminder - #intinerant - #hire /seize - #woven fabric - #Stavelot - #to believe /trust - #a twelfth - #house - #deter - #to go before - #skilfully - #to try - #snatch away - #to stand before - #be concealed - #after - #once - #make accessible - #uncommonness - #round - #to show oneself - #healthy /able - #rashness - #patience - #arise - #to transfer - #surprise - #out - #brief - #high−priced - #resolutely - #to force - #of crystal - #territory - #long time - #sale /closing of a bargain - #long for - #polish -