
(İngilizce - Latince)
capacity kelimesinin okunuşunu dinle..

İngilizce - Latince  capacity

Anlamını göster
İngilizce - Latince facultas, concepta

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#ant - #stretch - #secure - #helpless - #patron - #next - #shadow - #those down below - #easy - #persevere - #sign - #boast - #the middle of - #befoul - #gleam - #at times - #swiftly flying - #self - #detection - #vanish - #to overwhelm - #exhaust - #poppy - #displeasure - #o control - #to shuun - #to come up to aid - #puffed−out cheeks - #church - #to furnish - #slick - #to irritate - #swollen - #student - #too little - #waste away - #charminly - #alleviate - #to thin out - #far - #storm - #hear favorably - #penetrating / internal - #prey - #to entreat for - #sauce or relish - #occur - #impreovement - #tenacious /supple - #size - #elevate/ excite - #at once - #crocus - #measures - #to be produced - #Utrecht - #exit - #feather - #to crouch down - #window shutter - #a crash - #continue - #pale yellow - #the liver - #lap around the track - #to destroy - #sun - #numb - #to foster - #dainty - #crossroads - #treaty - #smallest - #quickness - #bereft - #low−lying - #to force - #power to command - #to walk into - #vast - #creator - #that ... not - #exasperate - #bed (of a river) - #but if - #thin skin - #copper ore / brass - #expect - #to - #to break in pieces - #burn down - #disappoint - #nothwithstanding - #luxuriously - #washed - #jay - #first place - #to suckle - #undertaking / first few words - #bitterness - #discoloration - #particularly - #shortly - #to grant - #to cut through - #delicacies - #to accuse / complain of - #curve - #to built in - #memory - #deed - #to approach - #press in - #to fix the limits of - #exceedingly high - #a handle - #tribe - #rainwater from the eaves - #close to - #a race - #vaue - #to be after - #to do/contrive evil - #chop up - #dry - #dish - #having large lips - #to promise - #exhilaration - #virgin - #torture - #toil - #that which can be imitated - #bent - #one who pleads on behalf - #construct - #frightfulness - #to make for - #finally - #to go away - #blight of plants - #charming - #to accustom - #mazzle - #commence - #whole - #stink - #trap - #bandage - #afflict -