
(İngilizce - Latince)

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#affirm - #delicately - #sift - #limit /manner - #streak - #haughtiness - #under /(time) later than - #envy - #to demolish - #to such a degree - #to put down - #a flogging - #shadow - #embellish - #deprive - #city−state - #similar - #give assent to /approve - #to deny - #vex - #mastery - #brief - #cut away - #salty - #consecrate - #most of all - #promote - #sharp point - #imminent - #separate - #recognize - #cheapness - #sublime - #great−great−grandson - #vault - #huntsman - #keep - #forward - #trial - #foremost - #thiness - #strained - #habit /intimacy - #thread - #sight / expression - #preferring - #to be silent - #cruelly - #indulgence - #with security - #understand - #to hope for - #to require - #a twelfth - #than - #a pound's weight /weight - #never - #to hide - #treat of - #at length at las - #shave - #father - #bloodless - #to add - #to be sure - #impel - #to creep - #execute - #take away - #to spread out - #to become lean - #dip under - #to be before - #heretical - #aloft - #to endure - #unfaithful - #either...or - #in like manner - #swarm out (like bees) - #violence /a large number - #so often - #to ask the advice of - #mourn - #smell bad - #present oneself - #made up of pieces - #bald - #eunuch - #Ghent - #slyly - #adamant - #more true - #to dive - #purse / funds - #striving - #hostile - #secretly - #to throw forth - #to drive back - #find pleasure in - #arrival - #presently - #spring / fresh water / source - #collision / attack - #to wish a person joy - #untouched - #loot - #be brought to - #restrained - #to drag - #in the presence of - #hashness - #consequence - #lighten - #in the least degree - #to consider oneself indebted - #to take delight in - #respectfully - #be imminent - #faintly obscene - #to rush into - #unnatural - #fluently - #pruner - #the elbow /a cubit - #bearable - #penetratingly - #exceeding - #vetch - #aim - #to take vengeance for - #cooly - #restless - #to groan - #save - #to arise - #to set (as in 'the sun sets') - #to have frequently /dwell - #sensibly - #son - #judgement - #to be unsure - #lump - #descendant - #people - #appear - #to need - #widely - #lowered -