
(İngilizce - Latince)

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#resolve - #beggardry - #leak - #to tread - #of benefit - #to wish a person joy - #began - #open - #strawberries - #flame - #vault - #it is proper - #thrust forward - #furthermore - #contemplation - #alone of its kind - #loitering - #pity - #half - #earnestly - #it is fitting - #stammer /speak obscurely - #a bone - #to insinuate - #assess - #drunk up - #that /he - #learned - #a bundle - #advise (a person) - #surprise - #to slide forward - #in like manner - #stake - #in present cirumstances - #fall - #expressly - #to condescend - #uninitiated - #begin to fall - #no - #harsh - #serve as a mercenary / to rob - #undertaking / first few words - #be concealed - #to know again - #arising from - #what is more - #keep oneself from - #seven - #chamberlain - #caprice - #crossbar - #defile - #plunge into - #cord - #birds - #poisonous - #plead - #to adhere to - #to fall in love with - #encompass - #wild - #a hollow /lake - #bar - #prison - #staunch - #to rise - #occur - #girl - #say again - #rule - #ring - #wonderfuly - #dusk - #resurection - #flag - #hoard - #to buy - #to enjoy - #clear up - #punish /relate - #pre−eminence - #to break open - #foreigner - #protection - #turn to - #those down below - #card - #teribly - #the spruce tree - #for how much - #make open - #to increase - #perform - #to join - #mason's trowel - #laugh - #food for animals - #ways - #to become dry - #or it begins - #other - #rather more - #decapitation - #prosecute - #to demolish - #a fiftieth part - #glorious - #mistress - #splendor - #to disgrace - #reproachful - #economical - #intimate - #to depend on - #work - #demolish - #great−grandson - #fix firmly/ concentrate - #overmuch - #to fill up - #to satisfy - #eagle - #fellowship - #renew - #the aristocratic party - #not quite - #regard carefully - #make pliant - #dextrous - #to replenish - #push around - #platform - #affection - #discovered. tracked down - #play - #revoke - #not honored - #snare - #dupe - #to pander - #besiege - #at a higher price - #exact - #to obliterate - #accessible - #at this time - #pruner - #make up -