
(İngilizce - Latince)
effective kelimesinin okunuşunu dinle..

İngilizce - Latince  effective

Anlamını göster
İngilizce - Latince efficax, efficens
effective kelimesinin örnek resmi

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#good! well done! good job! - #of no effect - #to gather strength - #demand - #to stink - #seem - #going out - #fountain - #untamed - #break out - #to let go - #in a rusticway - #to loiter - #bailiff - #to join connect - #injure - #a wheel rut - #uprightly - #lap /bay - #digression - #from this place - #stuff - #canon - #unadulterated - #missing - #fluently - #ground - #of a king - #to keep in - #nick−name - #comet - #to spring up - #to grow - #equal - #imperious - #favorable moment - #unwept - #to set (as in 'the sun sets') - #get written down - #draw together - #uphold/ to besiege - #litle by little - #virtures - #episcopal - #funeral oration - #both ... and - #each one - #to go away - #one after the other - #occurrence - #square - #softly - #consolation - #it - #there - #learning - #spacious - #easily broken / fleeting - #diseased - #a dish - #depravity - #rove / be mistaken - #beyond - #the chase - #weapons - #widowhood - #collect/ - #chamberlain - #to give way - #succulent - #away - #stream - #fisherman - #a plant blight - #finished - #serve - #in masses - #someone else - #play - #to select - #to order - #command - #the laurel - #assuredly - #quality - #credit - #become hard - #to buy - #to draw out - #to exempt from blame - #wife - #ornaments - #cattle - #defraud - #release /exempt - #without fame - #shout - #a web - #leisure - #conquer - #unite - #to attend - #to extend - #thus - #dry - #to hang over - #bursting forth / sally - #to such a point - #strictness - #a long time ago - #carefully - #to come upon - #the gospel - #to compel - #full of vice - #in some direction - #restoration - #charcoal - #call as a witness - #to bind below - #to be troublesome - #march - #fawning - #leavings - #diminutive - #a spade - #craft - #pre−eminence - #its - #youth (between 20 and 45) - #mighty - #nearly - #commonwealth - #sort - #ferocity - #market place - #to flow away - #intensely - #to fighten - #calumny - #words - #crocus - #fix firmly/ concentrate - #to knock - #entreaty - #base / pedestal / pier - #build - #efficiently - #answerable - #wall (of a house) -