
(İngilizce - Latince)

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#severity/ harshness - #a running down / charge - #warrior - #flee from - #to place between - #opponent - #weaver - #swollen - #amble - #to shine - #stroke /coax - #falling down - #to carry away - #somebody - #dusky - #so often - #loosen / widen - #very much - #a fishing net - #hashness - #captivity - #devote oneself to - #plait - #previously - #boil - #a drop (of liquid) - #agreed−upon - #porter - #expenditure - #various - #ill - #transfix /shock - #recognize as different - #bar - #Namur - #ambassador - #pious - #equipment - #much - #to enlarge - #exit - #lingering - #hurt /injustice - #accomplished - #beaten - #propserity - #industrious - #a moment - #consent /plot - #to wander - #overmuch - #opportunity - #yes (answering a question) - #rightly - #to hear - #nod - #hastily - #amelioration - #to grow in or on - #expend - #destroyed - #bravery - #licit - #a fermented fish sauce - #combination - #to break up - #heavenly - #on the other hand /surely - #regard - #buttering up - #arch - #plead - #partially refuse - #chatter - #hold off - #nostril - #mislead - #case - #healthy /able - #barber - #to soak - #charge - #to take out - #treasure - #secret society - #stand still - #tide - #veneration - #to grow mild - #to gather together - #at a distance - #allurement - #Malmedy - #to entrust - #diffuse - #by - #mutually - #sum - #from where /how - #to marvel at - #water - #cruely - #hurl - #wear out - #to entice - #to go over - #suggestion - #to be born - #throw into disorder - #annihilation - #a hole - #disagreement - #prohibited - #uninjured - #enjoy/ associate with - #communicate - #to sail - #a square - #repeated - #to deserve - #consecrate - #to sink - #absolute ruler - #thrower - #arrival - #notorious - #staunch - #morning - #bending - #grieve - #to raise - #prestige - #to threaten - #destructively - #strictness - #to the bottom - #be responsible for - #peasant - #forage - #alarm - #loveliness - #rite - #awakening - #on the far side of - #avail - #runner - #increase /hasten - #admiration - #to differ - #missing -