
(İngilizce - Latince)

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#partly cloudy - #title - #submit /raise - #purpose - #falsely - #play the fool - #knight - #anything at all - #sobbing - #to land - #unpolluted - #illness - #lonliness - #to vex - #hold on to - #until - #rustic - #reverence - #an addition - #scribe - #weak - #despising - #a door - #vent - #to be sluggish - #sickness - #to reflect - #to emerge - #however often - #to remain - #pity - #prostitute - #unlamented - #procrastinator - #act - #pale - #acquire - #passing through - #depend - #slow - #immature - #on both sides - #to replenish - #evening star - #to eat up - #delayer - #unrewarded - #to grumble - #rag - #cautious /[things] secure - #elevate/ excite - #designate - #dagger point - #hinder - #pertaining to the city - #cut short - #common - #up for sale /a slave - #bind up - #midday - #union - #theologian - #to drive out - #haye - #willingly - #born in the same province - #administration of justice - #troops - #to take care of - #breathing - #edge - #onset - #a purchase - #a thousand times - #courage /arrogance - #relate to - #get the start of - #medley - #an age - #repetition - #neighboring - #to maintain - #it is just - #hearken - #bog - #original - #perseverance - #incomplete - #wish for - #to renounce - #legatee - #lair - #beautiful - #mantle - #in many ways - #to sing - #sharp nosed - #blackish /sad - #at one time...then - #a pound's weight /weight - #attentively - #tell - #going to ruin - #weeping - #beam of scales /crest - #a scream - #crystal drinking cup - #embellish - #fashioning - #as much as in me lies - #submit - #occasionally - #separate - #vagrant - #basket - #one holding an honor - #begun - #out of place - #extort - #on condition that - #fom behind - #tried - #appropriately - #closest - #nominally - #refuse a request - #lead out - #measure /need - #relating to cavalry - #sky - #to set free - #report - #hoary - #rebuke - #in want of - #to demonstrate - #congress - #perusal - #friend - #for the present - #to gape /yearn for - #oblige - #to shave /scalp - #temperate - #unbelievable - #to grow in or on - #throb - #Roman power - #keep secret - #make excuses -