
(İngilizce - Latince)

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#mediocre - #cell - #nation - #early - #owner - #anew - #passing over - #bring forth/ advance - #polish - #fifteen times - #happily - #as great as you please - #blight of plants - #linnen - #to set down - #connected - #dismiss - #extend - #broken off - #a going back - #admirably - #action - #axe - #to be ignorant of - #annoy - #uncomfortable / disadvantage - #inasmuch as - #invent - #flock - #level place - #glitter - #the hoopoe (a bird) - #too long (a period of time) - #pour - #make/ bring about - #a design - #for a long while - #soundness of mend - #badly - #decline in health - #independence / frankness - #introduce - #soberly /really - #ally - #to get into a certain state - #be well - #fill - #the same - #feudal holding - #paternal aunt - #fleet - #lighten - #sufferable - #as if - #calm - #to lure forth - #drawn near - #admit - #to come - #cow - #be in dread of - #get written down - #to tear in pieces - #to settle by combat - #keep at work - #a pouring form - #restive - #to fix the limits of - #the middle of - #stuffing - #to fulfill - #verse - #to wish - #banking on - #hence - #instruct thoroughly - #sleepily - #after that - #curving - #to wonder at - #great−grandson - #bitterness - #skin - #reins - #yearn - #jutting out - #go forward - #bronze - #south - #the chase - #to awaken /be alert - #to pass - #to amend - #despicable - #profound - #to draw together - #to harden - #a pit - #to stand open - #onset - #to calculate - #tenure - #n - #embroider - #countryman - #examine - #fair - #association - #mange - #to be unsure - #unfavorable - #to make an oath - #ship - #happiness - #going forward - #according to order - #to come up to aid - #smelly - #spotless - #avenge/ claim - #presently - #retribution - #garment - #migratory - #something to be ashamed of - #at the highest price - #pleasant [of a place] - #to such a degree - #to condescend - #partially refuse - #put away - #extent of competence - #coming tohether - #coercement - #one who gives evidence - #faithlessnes - #orate - #state - #grief /want - #garbage - #originator - #destructive - #hold to - #forcibly conduct - #Laon - #rays of light - #mature - #unconquerable - #creak - #exert oneself -
U47 made her way to the main fleet anchorage. (U47, ana filoya katılmak üzere yola çıktı.)