
(İngilizce - Latince)
internal kelimesinin okunuşunu dinle..

İngilizce - Latince  internal

Anlamını göster
İngilizce - Latince intestina−us−um, penitus
internal kelimesinin örnek resmi

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#proclaim - #well−being - #on the contrary - #discussion - #for - #set−to - #weed - #audience - #at that time - #overturn - #roaring - #only begun - #market - #consumption - #to become visible - #turn around - #beget - #without merit - #erase writing - #spring up - #satire - #token - #seize - #disappear - #be spoiled - #grandeur - #to put under - #division - #unfair - #man−made - #polishing - #quality - #steeped - #cost - #spur - #to take for oneself - #not far from - #mutiny - #country estate /(med.) manor - #boundary - #low−price - #soul - #that is right - #seethe - #accomplished - #to cheer - #to rest - #blandishments - #silver - #not whole - #a meeting - #ninth - #advanced in years - #with few means - #assign - #one who pleads on behalf - #banished - #within - #on the other hand - #to prosper - #coal - #groan - #rework - #it is resolved - #throw out - #dishonored - #a killing - #thumb - #to be able to - #bow - #piety - #all−powerful - #having large lips - #the stomach - #smell bad - #flowing - #whichever of the two you wish - #Mainz - #or if - #run away - #abounding in - #lamp - #agreeably - #prison - #irrational - #stubborness - #a race - #thing - #be in good health - #isolation - #merry - #pleasant - #browse - #quickness - #so many - #annihilate - #to call away - #to stain - #enlist - #soaked - #barley groats - #leak - #despair - #personal enemy - #achievement - #whereby - #complaining - #inexpensive - #to call back - #of benefit - #imprudent - #a little box - #to consider - #to pour - #lasting three days - #delicious - #disobident - #prestige - #to fear - #whoever - #cooperation /plot - #alleviation - #help - #to stoll - #generally - #beam - #along - #prevail - #well−bred - #better - #rattle - #teacher of rhetoric - #pot - #skillful - #to stretch out - #to magnify - #inconvenient - #prosperous - #disentangle / explain - #brigand - #to flee/ interpret - #compensation - #bathed - #plagiarist - #shade - #terrible - #to continue - #to go - #many - #sublime -