
(İngilizce - Latince)

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#to creep - #render impossible - #the waiting for - #his own very self - #high - #being understood - #zone - #share /direction - #carress - #scantiness - #marvel at - #worried - #destroyed - #set aside - #to assail - #to create - #at a late hour - #be - #designedly - #foresake - #fasten down - #plumed - #to cling to - #inquire/ vote - #put before - #spot. [monastery] - #untainted - #strict - #sound - #knocking - #to stay away all night - #thrice - #den - #be furious - #concealed - #the only - #mislead - #meager - #moral bravery - #conscious of - #pierce - #think out - #to crown - #to join connect - #proceed - #rob - #a source of profit - #actor - #trained - #work - #to put after - #opportunity /event - #seethe - #skinny - #unknowing - #to assert - #walls - #to overwhelm - #to mix - #ambush - #to seek - #the country - #omit - #cooly - #rock - #for a bit - #hastening - #cover/ lead against / pass - #cloak - #to furnish - #despoil - #bark - #use with moderation - #favorable - #napkin - #jutting out - #fasten - #quitely - #completely towards - #terror - #forsake - #distort - #whereby - #yes (answering a question) - #smooth - #consume /waste - #stabbing - #put to - #to carry through - #handsome - #spacious /later - #so - #anything eaten with bread - #start - #to bring together - #to declaim - #pleasantly - #wheat crop - #even as - #of not effect - #luxury - #to graze - #enduring - #appetite - #to heal - #to strengthen much - #ask - #a square - #to lay to a charge - #at length - #without difficulty - #squeamish - #to check - #resolved - #propserity - #compress - #to hurl - #to hide - #assist /to please - #woeful - #perversity - #strawberries - #one of the best - #abstinence - #dishonorably - #sadden - #farthest part - #fortunately - #guider - #correct - #to forsake - #high spirit - #open to all - #ground/ bottom - #load /heavy body - #youth (between 20 and 45) - #approach - #a flowing over - #to be awake - #a bath - #a natural science - #sell - #inconsolable / uncurable - #concerned - #be joyful - #condemn - #clothing/ spoils - #her - #summit /chief - #pre−eminence -