
(İngilizce - Latince)

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#it is fitting - #to be missing - #arranger - #to herald - #condemnation - #engagement - #missing - #shudder - #weight - #coast−line - #ask for - #deprive - #full of faults - #the only - #perform - #aquittal - #at the same time/ single - #heaps - #to help - #furthermore - #one who makes a pattern - #pillage - #early in the morning - #arrogant - #erect /elevate - #be odiferous - #diretion - #coerce - #to conceal - #stain with blood - #neither nor - #passages in literary works - #club - #stupid - #to harden - #to scare - #to bleat - #a cake - #oak tree - #to delay - #rare - #honeyed - #more numerous - #copiously - #disjoint - #get to know - #to be near - #figure - #to sit before - #to cut into - #to fall ill - #to test make a trial - #tongue - #discretion - #find good - #title - #initiative - #pay back - #defendant - #unknowing - #gladdening - #expound /pay off a debt - #lay - #the spruce tree - #fine flour - #to put next - #sweetness - #sort - #a dish - #a solemn statement - #to desire - #throw into disorder - #enterprise - #go−between - #divorce - #encouragement - #gave vengeance - #remainder - #to make a mound - #culpable - #commander - #clash - #call - #n - #teribly - #bear about - #go past - #to recognize - #adv. suddenly - #litle by little - #ransom - #to exhibit - #cultivation - #track - #vapor - #hold back - #to support - #gleaming - #gaze at - #be missing - #define - #awkward - #formal - #to clear - #tree - #fall back upon - #much - #commend /name - #bowels - #horn - #to suspend - #barking - #in front - #numerous - #envy - #perseverance - #woodpecker - #vault - #vicious - #play the fool - #to soften - #to produce - #coming from - #out of place - #to require - #obey - #station - #sword−fish - #vast - #frequent /besiege - #curly−haired - #upheaval - #regular - #endurable - #ungrateful - #discharge (duties) - #made of copper or bronze - #make an arrangment - #to throw together - #sanctity - #come−on - #make perfect - #scare away - #what is left - #to complain /contain - #pliant / - #an entering /beginning - #meanness - #thesis - #obstinately -