
(İngilizce - Latince)

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#re−read - #a pit - #linnen - #alter /exchange - #damaged - #to have been - #reside somewhere - #in secret - #god - #money box - #till now - #cheat - #same as faciendo - #to lift up - #lasting three days - #bier - #of saffron - #purse / funds - #maintain/ strengthen - #raise up - #thresh - #imprisonment - #polishing - #aware of - #it makes a difference - #nourish - #and yet - #absent - #chest - #to speak against - #secret - #fit out - #pour out (like molten metal) - #gangway of a ship - #shin - #destroy - #make crooked - #caution - #to be dirty - #visage - #contain - #to exempt from blame - #paternal - #sacred - #pleasantest - #ride by - #unavenged - #in confusion - #attach - #manure - #to weigh out / estimate - #a diver - #commendation - #refuse to return something - #song - #swddling clothes / infancy - #limit - #to put into - #Laon - #close to - #merit - #answering letter - #to condemn - #to decide - #the gallows - #happen - #listener - #weaken - #lap around the track - #low down - #it is fitting - #spare - #bashfulness - #a destroyer - #to cry - #all the way - #prostitute - #the pointed end /spear - #hardness - #how great - #carelessly - #brief - #thus - #Christ's thorn - #respect /to suspect - #the country - #plant. Also - #calamity - #be lame - #declare - #dainty - #expand / spring forth - #carrying about - #hero - #to gleam faintly - #agreement / law - #prohibit - #perversity - #stubbornly - #sadden - #ample /great important - #are willing - #the point of the ear - #wuged - #freezing - #it - #precaution - #painter - #to lure out - #destroyed - #intentionally - #ennervate - #a dish - #fair - #jape - #lower /subject - #give up - #inventor - #to act foolishly - #be missing - #ask - #in order to - #decline - #sometimes 'saint' - #to fall back upon - #candies - #consciousness - #emperor - #to waste / become bankrupt - #put to flight - #subdue - #to swell up - #a crystal - #to mark out - #fil up - #to be able to - #noted - #near/ in like manner - #made up of pieces - #assign - #great−grandson - #fortunate - #to plan - #to unfold - #child - #assess - #puff−up - #encouragement - #tend towards - #the desire to fight -