
(İngilizce - Latince)

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#sweetly - #favorer - #unnatural - #innundation - #palpitate - #movement /space - #kindle - #yes−man - #to turn aside - #disburse - #there - #thief - #drinking vessel - #congratulate - #so many times - #quarrel - #pay back - #make a stand - #resting - #entice - #weighty - #to clothe - #depart - #bad luck /punishment - #a web - #affirm - #regard to - #dull - #go past - #to announce - #a mimic - #a rattle - #save - #to hurl - #small coin - #refined - #assiduous - #to trip up - #outside - #to disembowel - #a design - #dirty - #accessible - #mangled - #betake oneself to - #covet - #scarcely - #a sponge - #be destroyed - #banished - #stretch - #capable - #dyer - #cypress - #assault - #to strike hard - #harass - #to build beneath - #to boil up - #torment - #use with moderation - #early - #to dream of - #entrance - #despicable - #not arranged - #to graze - #with security - #conspire - #how great - #to pass over - #self−control - #rice - #to plead urgently - #equipment - #raw - #boyish - #calumny - #disease - #declare openly - #feeble /(sometimes) sick - #inundation - #to wrap up - #Courtrai - #set on fire - #old days - #spread over - #to spend - #goose - #servitude - #sigh over - #plotter - #knowledge - #clothing/ spoils - #trouble about - #gainful - #habitual - #become troubled - #vetch - #discretion - #to bind together - #laugh - #be favorable to - #but now - #shoot - #adv. too much - #exclusively - #limit /manner - #attending - #canonical - #a cake - #adjacent - #even as - #to spread out - #endure - #to call upon - #to let slip - #to near - #elegant - #grown up - #after the fashion of - #remembering - #choose/ attack - #the tail of an animal - #inclined to steal - #religiously - #overflowing - #exert oneself - #entirely - #modest - #butler - #overhtrow - #to help - #look for - #bridging - #prevail - #without merit - #to establish - #sell formally - #wish not to - #quickness - #great−great−grandfather - #regularly - #a slope - #evidently - #to strip - #hold out - #swift - #thrash (to card wool) - #agreement -