
(İngilizce - Latince)

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#becoming - #commit - #troubled - #to be away - #to vex - #probity - #glad - #Utrecht - #thought - #fruitfulness - #founder - #smelly - #particular - #form - #to fight against - #file - #uncommon - #to let down - #duke - #to have the benefit of - #a destroyer - #the point that - #flee from - #oath−breaking - #topic - #by much - #birthplace / source - #deceive - #peerless - #linger - #protector - #to order - #dye - #unlamented - #why so? - #honest - #imper v. - #select - #trade - #admirably - #to finish - #to prosper - #blast - #fortunately - #go to - #whichever of the two you wish - #dig up /write on a wax tablet - #to be thirsty - #long−lived - #to execute completely - #to punish - #give out - #to call away - #skillful - #nearly - #wholly - #be well - #balance - #unhurt - #way of life - #rough /broken - #numerous assembly - #extravagant - #scarcely - #pursuing - #to bleat - #sense - #treacherous - #scorch - #termination - #annihilate - #task - #temperate - #aperture - #to be useful - #overcome - #fouly - #unite - #marvel at - #alarm - #in a certain condition - #city - #dismiss - #their own - #greedy - #bloodbath - #a blow - #a cake - #hidden - #fairly - #mode - #recompense - #renown - #that is so - #old - #even (to) - #alone - #unworked /not done - #south - #sacrifice - #business - #on purpose - #to be without hope - #cull - #love - #dine - #wheat flour - #frailty - #in flocks - #strike - #as a result - #make wealthy - #uninhabitable - #dancer /presider - #dryness - #quaff - #mouse - #good for nothing - #to set straight - #mention - #crown - #to make full use of - #stitch - #to look upward at - #linnen - #widowhood - #mistakenly - #get written down - #make plain - #unddistinguished - #foreswearing an oath - #a meeting - #expose - #hurl - #unravel - #jay - #till now - #stake - #immersed - #informant - #complainant - #climb - #thrash (to card wool) - #even then / until then - #sweet as honey - #to fall in love with - #to touch closely - #to condemn - #sought after - #to take to oneself -