
(İngilizce - Latince)

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#describe - #divine law or command/ fate - #to make known - #on account of - #irrationality - #balance - #an attack - #hard - #colored /dark−complexioned - #pay attention to - #technique - #horse−hair - #demand - #lessened - #storehouse - #steadfastly - #sooner - #little fountain - #fall short - #powder /arena - #one who fattens fowls - #dog - #flesh - #mortal - #bankrupt - #little by little - #to keep in - #care - #air - #to spend the night out - #passed away - #that is right - #how much? - #furnace - #are willing - #make up - #barber - #equilibrium - #bad deed - #charge / fault - #to preach - #even if - #curl - #to reach - #late - #missing - #omen - #each party - #slightest - #cooly - #feast - #stretched /eager - #united - #compact - #awkward - #keep back - #gymnasium - #indifferently - #quick - #winnowing - #only just - #interpose /intervene - #St. Eligius - #up to - #ill−fit - #teach - #behold - #pepper - #bathhouse - #impari - #to smear - #dill - #wheel−shaped - #rise up - #find - #to renew - #displeasure - #principally - #crossroads - #to gnash one's teeth - #to knock - #aggressive - #other - #publication - #use - #full of vice - #proffer - #apathy - #bid - #even once - #violently - #sharp - #look - #everyday life - #cinnect /yoke - #broad bean - #seethe - #presents - #to build beneath - #sore - #fearlessly - #to warp /change - #the dead - #up and down - #become visible - #continual - #go with - #slanderous - #windy - #swiftly flying - #accurately - #average - #Christ's thorn - #boiled - #St. Ouen - #to be silent - #to wipe out - #manner - #cruely - #left side - #in secret - #venture - #to occur - #prototype - #inclining toward - #to stand out - #plait - #a handle - #extreme - #compel - #issue - #envoy - #mistress - #stripping - #barbarous - #to hasten - #draw - #sublime - #feast on - #to disturb - #vivacity - #left−handed - #meaning - #to walk into - #extent of competence - #just as far as - #to pour forth - #to be an informant - #observe - #to approve fully/ to confirm -