
(İngilizce - Latince)

Öğretici Cümleler*

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Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#to break out - #perseverence - #spear thrower - #bruise - #happiness - #imprudent - #up to then - #unaccustomed - #wagon - #a buying - #a shock - #befoul - #apprehension - #minor disgrace - #to stretch out - #his sons - #to break through - #fair - #special - #erect - #keen - #transit /changing - #that - #St. Gilles - #powerfully - #to possess - #belly - #make fun of - #to make sad or gloomy - #in any respect - #speed - #to gnash one's teeth - #to take out - #grind - #four−horse team - #plait - #slim - #sadly - #to direct - #file - #internal - #stand firm - #inconsistent - #armistice - #administration of justice - #hitting against - #signature / register - #to scare - #to attract - #to be ready - #the same - #a period of three days - #to offer to buy - #by which route - #from a distance - #ransom - #wholly - #uneasy - #matching - #eloquent - #be entitled to - #damage (of crops) - #to rest - #suitable for receiving - #to break up - #accuse /prove - #step−daughter - #leader - #to place near - #go about - #specifically - #doubt - #unchecked - #leave - #to fall - #consequently - #drunk up - #rise up - #word /(med.) power - #dart - #day - #to chide - #continue - #to lure out - #hut - #thesis - #thence - #arrive - #to increase - #Rouen - #release /exempt - #agent - #contagion - #fortress - #exussum - #excite - #sail - #unsure - #sleeping chamber - #natural - #to unharnass - #toil - #just - #cleanse - #to poison - #bestrew - #dangers - #one devoted to pleasure - #take refuge - #dignity - #calamity - #haye - #far and wide - #to pass away - #expansion / rest - #to halter - #to taste - #crescent−shaped - #city and monastery - #put - #seek - #idol - #it is finished /right away - #holy mass - #to come back - #at one time - #to bring together - #to grab - #jealousy - #excell - #impress - #a festival of mysteries - #maintain/ strengthen - #diminished - #avoid; also - #untamed spirit /arogance - #not to be persuaded - #to speak out - #opportunely - #abroad / from abroad - #in a kindly - #rhetorician - #to mean - #ill - #bend /pocket - #to drive together - #first place - #weep for - #disorder - #combatant -